Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

well, I have a day off and 1 guard quits, the other never got his license back so he's suspended until it does....

stupid corporate office...

I get some overtime this week. my package showed up today and tomorrow it will be 30 with a chance of 2- 6 inches of ice or snow.... :crazy:

I need to get my taxes done, I need a siren soon.
I could use a union....

a coworker called off so im stuck at work for another 4 hours
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theres a reason why the sentences are separated...

they aren't meant to coincide with each other lol...

carry on :D
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Back in for my final 8 of the work week (also known as "My Friday")  LoL  

Wilson, you should be receiving a box in the mail tomorrow...  lol
Im sleepy

snowing like hell, my partner didnt come in so im stuck by myself, dunno when theyre letting us out but when they do, going to be a LONG trip back
heres what i did today, got up early to clear off cars and part of my road...


1/2 inch of ice on the ground
Does it mske me a bad person if I sat in the truck doing paperwork while my friend worked on the backhoe?
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In for 12, its my Friday. Opened the work email to find out that one of the crews is such a fan of mine, they felt the need to "debrief" (read cry about it to management). Woo
at least they didn't 'debrief' right in front of you.

Unless you are into that sort of thing.

Then whatever.
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HA! Definitely glad this particular crew didn't in front of me. 

It is basically a system that allows you to hide behind a computer to complain versus speaking to the parties involved like adults. This crew is pretty notorious for it and our management tends to ignore them. :thumbsup:
Checking in for a bit between housework stuff...  Its Friday, so that means laundry...  Then I need to cut molding for the upstairs bathroom, change the old locks around the house, and maybe change the garbage disposal...  Then if I have any ambition left I might burn garbage...  lol
Checking in for a bit between housework stuff... Its Friday, so that means laundry... Then I need to cut molding for the upstairs bathroom, change the old locks around the house, and maybe change the garbage disposal... Then if I have any ambition left I might burn garbage... lol
Granted its a boring day at work but I totally read that wrong. I read "if i have any ambition left I might burn (the) garage :haha:
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I've never been a fan of them. No matter how much water you run with them they WILL eventually gum up your pipes.

Side note, anyone have a dozen or so of the black mount thingies for a edge frame cheap?
nother wonderful day of work... currently in the high 50's later tonight 32.

I painted my trailer light protectors last night and now just need to let the ground dry up so I can install them.
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I haz lights to install.

All Whelen: a Slimlighter, Spitire ION, some Talons, horizontal and vertical TIR3s, pair o' VTC3s.

Pics eventually.
im going to be needing a siren to install soon... might be hard to do in the kia... ill need the smallest speaker available lol.

back at work for another 8.
Blah indeed
This time change shit is for the birds.
actually its for people, birds have their own clocks.......... :p

i agree though, it aint 1918 anymore, we're not in a world war, time for DST to go away
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Back to the grind...  Had a good time with some friends last night hitting up a couple bars...  the time change kinda fucked with me...  I left to go home at 0145, and didn't get home until 0305 and I only live 15-20 minutes away...  haha

Now I'm just (im)patiently awaiting the return of my LEDs from Wilson, then I can fool around with the Flat-Top MX a bit more...
I should be sleeping.
I should be anywhere but where I am right now. My head is so full of f%*# right now
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