Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Had another busy day. Had to baby sit a person on community service for  3 hours to go towards his tnpromise scholarship
too friggin cold
Passed my Lt. test on the 15th, and passed the Digital radio test this past Friday!! (Yes, Germans make you take a test to use the radio) We are slowly switching from Analog to Digital. Got 2 nice new Motorola radios!

congrats, good luck, and godspeed .....
too friggin cold

Amen to that Jared....snowed like a bee-otch all day during dog training yesterday, no accumulation (ground too warm still), and 15 degrees last night.

night shift this week, and work Thanksgiving


Monday for me today.  Also working turkey day (triple time...awww yeah!!!).
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Working extra today tomorrow and Wednesday so I don't have to use time off for Thursday or Friday   4 day weekend!
On a lighter note; Ill be Chicago bound come next wed so if anyone from here is from there, hit me up
put more christmas lights up yesterday. about half way done now. had early thanksgiving yesterday with mom and step dad.

back to the school today, taking comp time tommorow to put up the rest of my lights an to take a day off since im working the old job for thanksgiving and out here friday
The weather forecast for Thursday has saved me from Thanksgiving dinner at the in-laws (the food is not worth having to put up with the collection of unsupervised rug-rats). My wife is going to cook something special here. Her food is much better than her families' food assortment anyway. 

My wife agreed with me that she should not be driving out in the storms (she drives - I ride - until my hands get better again). The rain on Thursday (makes the dirt road to our farm impassable for extended periods) will be followed by freezing rain and ice on Friday and Saturday - then it is a week of cold temps with wind. 

I am all set to hunker down and not do anything I don't have to. As long as the electricity stays on, life on the farm will be good.

Hopefully, ELB will be online too.
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Thankfully pictures have returned on Tapatalk.
i love getting notifications 6 days after you order something to find out the product no longer exists.... :crazy:
Checking in for 12...  Tomorrow is probably gonna suck...  Thanksgiving eve and a full moon...  Should be a fun last night of the week for me...  lol
Nic I'm broke. Cut me some slack! Lol.
On second thought you do have a sweet price on RAM box cup holders...
was wondering how it was going for you. 

I've been busy this week. Trying to find more space to store stuff.  We've added a bunch of product lines to our portfolio and well... we just don't have the room to store them anywhere :(  

So whats new?  And if you need storage i can accommodate, lol.
Huh. Tapatalk post fore me I guess. That or I'm sleep posting.
No worries. Worth the wait with the sale price.
i was about to say I need a vacation, then it dawned on me Ill be Chicago bound come next week. 
Happy Thanksgiving from behind the console. Dispatching today and we are short due to ill calls...
Happy Thanksgiving from behind the console. Dispatching today and we are short due to ill calls...

Back at ya from the EMS house. We're short because, well, we dont have the manpower. Let the turkey fires and grease burns begin
happy thanksgiving from the shack because.. im a nice guy and wanted to let some of the folks have a day off who have been working 50 + hours a week... since were still  understaffed at the old job....

ohh and because of holiday pay... because you know we got presents to buy in a few weeks.

I now have 96% of my Christmas lights up. I pulled 3 boxes of led lights I bought at wal greens a few years back out of the storage bin to add to my "mega tree" 1 strand wouldn't even come on and the other 2 were only half way working... thought leds were supposed to fix that problem :rolleyes:

I need to figure out exactly how many lights im using this year...

11 candy canes at 25 bulbs a piece  =  275   miniature bulbs

1 Merry Christmas sign = 250 miniature bulbs

15 "giant light bulbs" with regular c7s as the light source. = 15

8 strands of 50 miniature leds   on the mega tree = 200

6 strands of 25 large led c9s = 150

1  strand multicolor c9s on house  = 50

1 American flag on house = 255 miniature bulbs

1 led spotlight = 30 leds

1 nativity scene inflatable  = 7 leds

1 snowman inflatable = 2 leds

1 light flurries "fake snow" machine 1 = led

6 strobes on mega tree.

966 light displaying items.... but ive got one more I want that wont be available till dec 7th
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led "strobe" light test for my mega tree...

ohh and my count from yesterday doesnt include the "dripping icicles"
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At the risk of humiliating myself further on here I have to say I think I liked 50 Shades of Grey better than Fast and Furious 7
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At the risk of humiliating myself further on here I have to say I think I liked 50 Shades of Grey better than Fast and Furious 7

As a follower of the F&F saga from day one, I can say that 7 was a total pile of garbage. The ending has its merits but the movie sucked a nut. Granted, I Haven't cared much for any F&F movie since the first one, I have followed just because Im a car guy and I started it so I wanted to finish it. If they keep making them worse and worse, and they are talking about an 8, 9, and 10..... I dont think I can finish.
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in the world of naked boobs > but not = to cars... your ok in that statement.

I watched 50sofg with the GF because it was mandatory... (giggidy) 

haven't seen fast 7

I was watching jay leno's garage the other night at a friends house and F&F 8 is already in the works...
Yeah they rumored 8, 9, and 10 right when 7 was released in theaters. Personally they are taking it WAY to far out of the realm of any sort of reality, which somewhat kills it for me. The first one was believable, the second one... Maybe. I don't remember much of the third one because I hated it, not having the proper cast. The fourth one on have just not grabbed my attention, because they have drifted so far from the roots of the series. Dragging bank vaults from concrete walls with two winch cables that never tangle, driving through an exploding aircraft on a runway thats about 45 minutes long... I don't know. They are just movies, and I get that. Just too far gone for me I think.
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