Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

So my week has been interesting thus far.  Trump was in town Monday (like I said, interesting), off today (Tuesday) for dog training, and Wednesday I'm having a 90ft rot-to-the-core maple tree taken out of my yard  AAANNNDDD we're supposed to get tor'naders Wednesday evening.  At least I'll be out playing in the weather and not at work dealing with it...... :haha:

Oh and post number 7,800 in the never ending contest thread....
Happy veterans day.

our storms will be here around midnight
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Our wind has just started to pick up (9:15 AM). Still pleasant at about 20 mph. Forecast says gusts as high as 60 mph later. No rain possible. We need rain, not wind.
Is it getting dry again out there chief?
Ours are at 15-20. Tree guys bailed on me today due to forecast winds 40 to 50...NWS says spotters may be needed 1800-2100 CST.

Happy Veterans day, and thank you to all that have served.  Y'all don't hear it enough IMO.
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Is it getting dry again out there chief?

It is, Hoff. The rain we got last month was welcome, but we have not had any since. All that 20" of rain and flooding that was in Texas never made it this far north.

10 AM update: I can't get out my front door now. Steady wind above 35 mph with higher gusts. Strongest wind is still hours away.
Thank You to those that are serving and have served Our Great Country... 

God Bless America
Thank you for the "Thank you"s. I was Regular Army at a time in our history that we were pretty much despised for being in the military. It is wonderful to see how our veterans are appreciated and supported today.

I just took a 2 hour nap. I am looking forward to my next 2 hour Naps are good.

Winds here are now fierce: 40 mph with gusts to 55+.

Hmmmm, no new wiener here lately? 
Just after my previous post FedEx delivered the Wide lux 4x6 I ordered, comparison video uploading now. Not sure which thread to put it under yet. 
Just after my previous post FedEx delivered the Wide lux 4x6 I ordered, comparison video uploading now. Not sure which thread to put it under yet. 

wheres the video!!!
a nap will be had when i get off work... then my free fillet mignon at a steak house in town....

yes i am glad to see that more and more business are showing their appreciation for us... now if only our "leaders" would do the same
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Wow, how quickly time passes, when its spent on ELB. I missed my 2 PM nap. That said, while I was surfing ELB, my wife changed the bedding. To make my next nap really special, I just took another shower.

I am an hour late, but it will be worth it.

Can't go outside - 50+ mph winds still. Napping is the preferred alternative.
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thoroughly enjoyed my filet mignon last night...

today at work we have non a "non mandatory" but you must attend "focus" session with the college pres and staff...

I worked night shift last night, free coffee at Sheetz and free donut at Dunkin. Nice to see more places doing things for Veteran's Day
Thanks.  My lil Samsung Galaxy S5 does pretty good at video, lol. 
Checking in.... feeling better, not unpacked by a long shot, and been tinkering in the new laboratory......
friday the 13ths are my lucky days....

been so busy at work today, first time to s it at the desk and im off the clock
Got married on a Friday the 13th.......divorce was also signed on a Friday the 13th 4yrs later. 

Off today. Got called at 1230hrs to work OT from 1500-1900.  Oh well, more money for blinkies...he he he.
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just installed a TD/WL 36 in red rear deck of my 07 Charger... mounted only, wiring in future.....
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Windy as all heck in the Northeast this am, not too cold tho considering its November, I'm running shorts today! Unpacking, with a side of unpacking today....
thats the B about it, not to bad here but the wind makes it miserable

the oil burner is fixed. huzzah
phoenix rising.. you have the same name as a stopre here in ,y home town selling board games XD

assuming that was supposed to be shop? 

cool beans though; welcome to eLb
yes it would...

to elaborate on my post in the Saturday thread...

I come back from Smyrna from a amateur radio meeting.

I get back into my county, then to city limits.... I role up on a MVA elder lady and her husband missed a turnoff and landed in a concrete steel culvert and couldn't move.

I asked if they had called anyone. No. asked if they had a wrecker enroute "we're looking for our cards" they had three tow companies cards between the 2 of them.

normally in my car I leave the red LEDs in the back glass, and the cannons set to red amber. since I was sitting on the edge of a 5 lane highway I turn on all the ambers as well as the reds.

I get on city freq and call in a 1 vehicle 10-45 driver requests no report, will need traffic assist when 10-48 arrives..... dispatched advises 10-4 calls a unit and he says "that's a county call"

city calls county dispatch on phone. 3 minutes later county dispatch gives out right call, wrong location, asks deputies if they want to notify THP (highway patrol)


I go direct with deputy...

845 - 122. I called this in to city, complaintent requests no  report, pull out only will need traffic assist we are at white side rd and 231.

122 "10-4, 388 did you copy direct, no THP needed"

388 "10 -4"

5 minutes later...

122- 388 im at whiteside and 41a I don't see any vehicles. are sure this is the location...

388 "10-4 sir that's what city advised...."

122 "ok ill check whiteside at 231south"

in the meantime I get a phone call from my friend on the city PD.

"Hey man I just drove by everything ok?"

gave him the sit rep

"ok man I got to take some paperwork to the hospital ill swing by on my way back"

I was in the citys "jurisdiction" but its only on the 5 lane highway... since she was in a ditch it was a county call... :crazy:

6 minutes later...

122 - 388 "road way must be clear there are no vehicles here...."

so I sat there with the folks till the wrecker showed up about 5 minutes later fortunately, we didn't need to shut a lane down and he got the truck off the culvert. wrecker driver asked me if we needed LEO, I told him they don't want a report and its your call, plus I called them out here 20 minutes ago and you beat them here because they dont know where whiteside and 231 next to the BP (gas station) is..........  

now I plainly told 2 different dispatchers where we were.

but to their "credit" in thi town/county we have

whiteside rd x2

whiteside dr

whiteside hill rd

and a whiteside market.

just makes you wonder what dumbass names these roads.......
yes it would...
to elaborate on my post in the Saturday thread...

I come back from Smyrna from a amateur radio meeting.

I get back into my county, then to city limits.... I role up on a MVA elder lady and her husband missed a turnoff and landed in a concrete steel culvert and couldn't move.

I asked if they had called anyone. No. asked if they had a wrecker enroute "we're looking for our cards" they had three tow companies cards between the 2 of them.

normally in my car I leave the red LEDs in the back glass, and the cannons set to red amber. since I was sitting on the edge of a 5 lane highway I turn on all the ambers as well as the reds.

I get on city freq and call in a 1 vehicle 10-45 driver requests no report, will need traffic assist when 10-48 arrives..... dispatched advises 10-4 calls a unit and he says "that's a county call"

city calls county dispatch on phone. 3 minutes later county dispatch gives out right call, wrong location, asks deputies if they want to notify THP (highway patrol)


I go direct with deputy...

845 - 122. I called this in to city, complaintent requests no  report, pull out only will need traffic assist we are at white side rd and 231.

122 "10-4, 388 did you copy direct, no THP needed"

388 "10 -4"

5 minutes later...

122- 388 im at whiteside and 41a I don't see any vehicles. are sure this is the location...

388 "10-4 sir that's what city advised...."

122 "ok ill check whiteside at 231south"

in the meantime I get a phone call from my friend on the city PD.

"Hey man I just drove by everything ok?"

gave him the sit rep

"ok man I got to take some paperwork to the hospital ill swing by on my way back"

I was in the citys "jurisdiction" but its only on the 5 lane highway... since she was in a ditch it was a county call... :crazy:

6 minutes later...

122 - 388 "road way must be clear there are no vehicles here...."

so I sat there with the folks till the wrecker showed up about 5 minutes later fortunately, we didn't need to shut a lane down and he got the truck off the culvert. wrecker driver asked me if we needed LEO, I told him they don't want a report and its your call, plus I called them out here 20 minutes ago and you beat them here because they dont know where whiteside and 231 next to the BP (gas station) is..........  

now I plainly told 2 different dispatchers where we were.

but to their "credit" in thi town/county we have

whiteside rd x2

whiteside dr

whiteside hill rd

and a whiteside market.

just makes you wonder what dumbass names these roads.......
So, I was thinking that "free shipping" would be a cool prize to win.....

jus sayin.....   lol

When I originally came up with the idea of this thread I was going to give alot of really cool discounts away.  

The first one I gave away was bitched about on here (well over $100 off an item). 

From that point on I decided not to do that anymore so that people could say "I won but I got nothing" ever again. 
Get to drive to a different base to get magnets for the new GOV because my awesome unit has no foresight. They've had this thing for a month and didn't even think about marking it. Sigh. On the plus side in going to meet up with an old friend and catch up so the day isn't a complete loss.
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slept 7 and a half hours when I got off work at 6am...

mowed the leaves again for third time.

started running wiring for yard displays, and set up about a 1/5th of my Christmas decorations
When I originally came up with the idea of this thread I was going to give alot of really cool discounts away.  
The first one I gave away was bitched about on here (well over $100 off an item). 

From that point on I decided not to do that anymore so that people could say "I won but I got nothing" ever again. 

Stupid people screwing up a good thing. I mean really people. Not like you are required to give anything.
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I threw that out thinking that a prize like free shipping would benefit FeVeR inc as stirring up a sale as opposed to when you are so generous as to give away lights or speakers or other tangibles that cost more than a shipping charge cost... but PA is right, people do muff things up, especially good things......

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