Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

didn't get the computer in last night... it was around midnight when I got home. after doing some research ive found out that model kia gets "gremlins" when it gets bad grounds. one of them is blowing the ECM. so I'm going to be upgrading the stock ground off the battery and since the battery dropped down to 50% capacity while sitting all week he took it to his house to charge it  up on a smart charger...

hope to get it all back together when I get off at 10 tonight.

mowed 2 yards before work and almost caught up on mowing from the fiasco last week.
Well, for all you "street Outlaw" fans, Daddy Dave crashed his Chevy II at Amarillo Dragstrip and is in serious condition.

Checking back in for..... well........ 2 DAYS OFF!!!!!  :crackup:
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Well, for all you "street Outlaw" fans, Daddy Dave crashed his Chevy II at Amarillo Dragstrip and is in serious condition.

He's in stable condition currently...  Pretty banged up and has a concussion...  I just saw this earlier today, sucks cause he JUST got this car finished...  Glad hes doing ok though, cars can be fixed/replaced, people can't...

Back to the grind...  Checking in for 8 after an awesome weekend...  Dinner and a Movie date Thursday, Graces Downfall and Seether Concert date Friday, helped my girl move on Saturday then hung with her the rest of the day, hung out in the pool most of the day today..  lol
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in for 12, maybe

got a bad tooth, scheduled appt for Thurs since I work, but maybe sooner. ugh
good freeking monday morning to all.
Someone in the house set the thermostat to 75 while we were out yesterday...... never changed it back after coming home. Woke up at 130am hot as hell, and found it to be 76 in the house...  :hissyfit:
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Checking in for 12...  Got contacts today for the first time...  So far not bad...  The only issue is trying to take them out, my fingers are way too big to do it easily...  lol
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Someone in the house set the thermostat to 75 while we were out yesterday...... never changed it back after coming home. Woke up at 130am hot as hell, and found it to be 76 in the house...  :hissyfit:

Here, when the temperature drops to 76, we break out the winter jackets.
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Nic said I can give something away while he is out this week. Only stipulation... No repeat winners.
Count me out. I am no longer in contention for a prize. Originally, I started posting here  hoping to win 3 new Typhoon siren speakers. Now that they have been discontinued and out-of-stock, I only post here because I have no other life :( and because I enjoy the company of ELB folks.
Shush. Me either.
Well....... bless your little heart..........
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I've won a time or 2... (or 3... lol) I'm probably out for the rest of this threads existence... lol
that somehow implies, entails, or otherwise hints at you potentially, possibly, maybe being a winner. Let me dispel that notion. You are a not a winner....

Mornin' folks!! Checking in for ....... well....... yet another day of!!!!   :fangirl:
workin the boo boo bus for 12, ill be escaping prior to NNO :fangirl:
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worked between two offices today, just got to my home office. Was supposed to learn some more things as in training...... I was showing the veteran some things and I was not trying to.
awww BOOO I just saw the update that the 4200Mini controller is now projected to quarter 4 :(
well i got the computer in the car. upgraded to a 6 gauge battery cable for the ground.  went to start the car and the first 3 cranks it spit and sputterd, then back fired... (fun to watch  considering the car has no exhaust lol)

fired up the 4th time and "test drove" a few miles. seemed to run fine. got back to the house was programming the fm radio and i look up and see the thermostat is at HIGH.... so i was thinking.. well thats different.

i then watched the gauge go back down to half, then to where its supposed to be, then back to about half. last night i drove the car 8 miles at 80mph to see if it would overheat at high speeds. it only does it at idle or low speed. this mrning i "burped" the  radiator and added some coolant and that seemed to fix the problem that wasnt there before the computer crashed...

that was the easy fix.

yesterday on my day off i mowed 2 yards in another town, came back home to finish up my last yard for the day. i cut around a tree and then sparks start flying from under the deck... 

1 of the supports arms broke off the mower (a $20 part) and the other end of the DECK broke off... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im tired of spending all this money to fix shit.
Id rather spend money on fixing things, not paying bills....
Checking in for my final 12 of the week...  Local FD Carnival starts tonight...  Glad I only have to deal with it 2 nights on this side of the radio...  lol
Where are these listed? They are not in the FEVER STOREFRONT
going to list is the gray one because that's no warranty. Waiting on pics. The other two are new so they won't be listed here. 
Okay, I guess I will not be getting them. Thanks anyhow.

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