Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Checking in for a weekend off..... but not rubbing it in..... it will be spent preparing my dress uniform for a murdered officer. No matter my job, I always attended officers funerals, but this will be the first line of duty death funeral I have attended as an officer since 2008, and the first funeral at all since my own father's in October. Not looking forward to it, but we must honor those who paid the ultimate price. 

Here's to you Tom.
and that is why all emergency services are considered a brotherhood. no matter what we are always there to support who ever it is.
I am surprised my viper exts and nforces have not sold yet!!
that's what I wanna switch over too lol but need to sell these things first
I am surprised my viper exts and nforces have not sold yet!!

hopefully my deck bracket will be at the house when i get home and ill get the mower back together.. also waiting on a new wiring harness for my pa300 in the truck to get my "woos woos" working again.
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We'll be giving away random prizes to the LAST person to comment at a cut off time we have picked out.  The only three rules of the contest are:

1. Be the last person to comment in this thread when the cut off time has been reached.
I WIN!!! I am the last to comment and I close the thread so no one else can comment!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!

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I WIN!!! I am the last to comment and I close the thread so no one else can comment!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!


Nic said staff cant win :D
Nic said staff cant win :D
That is why unmarked plain brown envelopes are made. They slide easily under the door of the office belonging to the staff member (or business owner) that someone would like to influence in a positive manner.

I find them very effective.... 
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how long will the fever website be experiencing problems?

im thinking of outfitting one of the golf carts that we use to do trash pick up with in t3-s in the schools colors.. gold and green  (aka green and amber t3's) this cart is used by myself and all the watchkeepers to do our jobs in which is partly litter maintenance on campus and we have a road that goes through campus that has 2 state highways perpendicular to it...

waiting for 8 o'clock to get some real work done when i get off from work. lol
I was kinda just kidding in my last post (3-1/2" 12 ga is a bit of overkill on doves and most people I know use a net on smelt, not a shotgun) but, seriously, I am working with chokes on my 12 ga. I am trying  to get the best patterns and the longest range with #1 Buck, #2 Buck, #3 Buck, and #4 lead shot (not  Buck). This gun is used only for coyotes. I have been forced to delay my testing by these 100+ degree days. 

I'll look forward to finding out which choke you end up using.

I stripped a Tomar 930L at first light, then mowed from 7 AM until 11 AM. I was hoping to get a few pattern tests in before Noon, but my feet (with gout) said "no way". I had pizza for lunch (courtesy of the good wife), then napped from 1 :30 PM 'til 4 PM. That brings me to now. Barrett-Jackson car auction (on TV) is going to finish my afternoon taking me to evening nap time.
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Our dispatch center is in a large city and we are in between a few of the larger stations that run Medics. I do enjoy sending Station 49 into Station 46's area when the "Red Shift" is working because they have to go right by our window and they are the only shift that will run the Power Call. HAHA
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got the new quadrant put on the mower... which I don't know why the "what gear are you in" piece of plastic is called a quadrant...

got the new belt on, got the deck painted where it was welded, and went to take the broke deck support off and looks like im going to need a hammer drill to get it off.
I was outside at first light. I have gotten a lot mowed in the first 2.5 hours. I did my coyote killing field first thing. That is the space I can clearly see coyotes from my  upstairs shooting window at night. It is about 135 yards long by 100 yards wide. It was cut just 2 weeks ago and was already long enough to hide a coyote sneaking up to the house and barn at night. No sneaking this week. It is about 2.5" now...LOL.  There is a good cloud cover making the temperature very pleasant. It won't last long as the temp is forecast to be 102 again.

I am on break, checking e-mail, getting hydrated (full strength Coca-Cola), and resting my gout affected feet.

I have only my 50 yard range and our orchard left to be finished mowing. Another 2 hours and I will be done. Yippee. 
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a quarter of a circle; an arc of 90°.

the area included between such an arc and two radii drawn one to eachextremity.

something shaped like a quarter of a circle, as a part of a machine.

Geometry, Astronomy. one of the four parts into which a plane, as theface of a heavenly body, is divided by two perpendicular lines,numbered counterclockwise from upper right:
the first quadrant of the moon.

an instrument, usually containing a graduated arc of 90°, used inastronomy, navigation, etc., for measuring altitudes.

Astrology. one of the four quarters of the horoscope: determined bythe ascendant, nadir, descendant, and midheaven and numberedcounterclockwise from the ascendant.

Furniture. one of two metal sliding pieces, of quadrant form, used tosupport the fall front of a desk from above.



an astronomical instrument used to determine latitude and longitude atsea by measuring angular distances, especially the altitudes of sun,moon, and stars.

(initial capital letter) Astronomy. the constellation Sextans.


I have no idea what a 'quadrant' has to do with gear positions.


I thought maybe Jarred got it confused with 'sextant'. I also thought 'sextant' might have something to do with moving positions, but alas it does not.


I am at a loss to help. I sold my quad last year and sex is a fast fading memory.  If I  only knew what a 'tant' was, I could see how it relates to a 'rant'. Google is a marvelous invention..
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I am done with my mowing. I finished in record time. Not counting the line trimming, which my wife does, 7 hours and 15 minutes. I only used 6 gallons of gas - also a record low usage.

I would have been done about 20 minutes sooner, but I was set upon by a ruthless gang of sabre-toothed quail as I began mowing the orchard.  Even though I was armed, I only had 4 shots with which to fend them off (saving the 5th shot for myself if I knew that torture was imminent).

Okay, maybe it was not a "gang". It was only 2. However, the female kept giving me the evil eye. The two of them would walk slowly, about 25' in front of the mower and ever once in a while the female would crouch down and bare her fangs (well, they were not REAL long fangs, but long enough to rip out a jugular vein in one pass). Fortunately, the male decided there were more insects to eat where I had already mowed, instead of where I was going to mow, and he took his ill tempered female with him.

Shower time here.....  
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ok retired1... its time for you to retire again....

when you go to


type in lx172

now you think it would be under "trim and body" since its on the body but nooooooooooooooo...

its under "transaxle"

then look at the purty stick figure images...

once you find the part number... you then google the part number for an image...

this is what JD calls a "quadrant"


id just call it a gear selector indicator but then again I aint no engineer....

just ordered the brackets for the t-3s im going to put on the golf cart... im going to mount them... then run the wiring and eventually order and add the lights and see how long it takes some one to notice what I did ... lol
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It looks like my journalistic endeavors have become somewhat unwelcome  (as he wipes away the tears and gets his hankie to deal with the sniffles). I do understand. One only has to read my work to know why I am currently unemployed.. 

Hmmm, maybe I can get a new job editing the John Deere parts books... 
I am having trouble coping with rejection. I think I will drown my sorrow with a cold glass of ice milk and, out of desperation, watch the NASCAR race.
im going to keep watching you tube, browsing this site, playing online games all while making barely over minimum wage.... until 6pm.

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