Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

anybody in california?

Just had a chance to sit and watch this, and my brain kept saying, "Next on KTLA News, whacker found burned to a crisp, STL's suspected of causing wildfire."
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911 stickers maybe a lil excessive does the guy work for a company named that...
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Now I want to open by saying, definite whackerdom. And with that said, unless there's some law prohibiting having any lights without valid reason, just based on the video the sheriff's grounds for the traffic stop seems kind of shaky. Unless of course I'm missing something, which I'm totally open to.
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meh... there is enough PC for a stop... but depending on their laws they don't have much else. In florida you have to use that equipment in some manner that would make a reasonable person think you are taking law enforcement actions... doesn't even matter there are amber lights
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Just had a chance to sit and watch this, and my brain kept saying, "Next on KTLA News, whacker found burned to a crisp, STL's suspected of causing wildfire."
That PA Mic mounted in the air bag deployment area may help knock some sense into who ever else is stupid enough to ride around with this certifiable nut job .......
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meh... there is enough PC for a stop... but depending on their laws they don't have much else. In florida you have to use that equipment in some manner that would make a reasonable person think you are taking law enforcement actions... doesn't even matter there are amber lights

Is there, though? Did the "impersonator" break any traffic laws at all? I'm not sure that thinking a vehicle might look sketchy is adequate cause for a stop. Guess it depends on the state, and I think most only require "reasonable suspicion" for traffic stops (lower bar than PC).

There are two types of security outfits...those who buy cheap cars with cheap setups that nobody is going to confuse for law enforcement, and those who play dress-up like the "funeral escort" lunatic service provider a few posts up who rebuilt retired police vehicles and used a confusingly similar style of decal to law enforcement, complete with acting like they have authority to run code 3 (very recklessly at that) and initiate traffic stops.

It's a waste of everyone's time to pull over vehicles that are legit, but I guess I'd rather see dozens of pointless stops to catch one legit impersonator. Security guys can always avoid the headache if they just make it more obvious they're rent-a-cops in private vehicles rather than sworn officers.
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Please don't call us rent a cops, sure there are idiots out there who shouldn't be doing what I've been doing for 31 years legitimately, even if I prefer crown Vic interceptors and use large enough and clear enough graphics so people know I'm security I still get confused with law enforcement and create traffic backups wherever I went in my B/W crown Vic with my legal green and Amber lights. In my case it can be a benefit cause it scares the hell out of the criminals cause they can't read English anyway!
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The console looks pretty standard other than the 3 unnecessary scanners/radios. Maybe the door mounted monitors are four camera systems ? Flir? Sonar?
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Maybe the door mounted monitors are four camera systems ? Flir? Sonar?
That's what's confusing me. Those look like Braun MasterTech systems, which should be able to switch between cameras. But I'm not as versed on those as much as I'd like
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NSFW or kids...

Lmao I was JUST watching the Jeremy DeWitte videos on YouTube. The guy is the very definition of insanity. Keeps doing the same thing and expects different results. I mean c'mon dude, you've been busted how many times now? He should just change his name (if possible), move to a different state (if not on parole or probation) and work security somewhere

Then we'd be entertained by the "Jeremy DeWitte Part 2: Metro Security" series of antics. Him getting in vehicle pursuits with people who didn't return their cart at Dollar General. 95 mph chases running g/a and a surplus SmartSiren. Directing traffic at his apartment complex and issuing citations with another stolen ticket book. Him jumping into Fallujah didn't mess up his back badly enough to stop him from serving and protecting (in his fantasy world). After exhaustive research, I ID'ed the MOC that he gave in that one video. Airborne Infantry Escort. Their role is to pretend to be paratroopers and direct enemy fire towards them as the real ones make a drop elsewhere. They're equipped with airsoft rifles, air horns and tons of red, amber and green flares. Despite no such jump existing, he was there. Faulty risers aborted the jump. He was still brave enough to jump with backbreaking risers. It occurred out of his treehouse/HQ and said risers were the umbrella he was using to jump breaking. When other 18 year olds were out doing stupid s**t, he was building his first Metro Escort Powerwheels.

Sadly, Jeremy DeWitte Part 3: Protective Custody will only be available to the COs at wherever he'd get locked up. Him pretending to be a CO with Metro Corrections Escort wasn't well rec'd by the other inmates. He'd quickly learn that gangbangers don't need or like this service. He'd also make another para jump...from the top of the pod to the floor. His risers will fail yet again.

Has he sported a badge yet? Surprised he hasn't had badges made for him in the People's Republic of Coronavirus.

It's the interior of a shuttlecraft from Star Trek. Those screens control the warp drive, scanners, comms and tachyon emissions. It's likely that the PA400SS controls defensive systems, but you'd have to ask a trekkie. It's possible that this guy is both a trekkie and a whacker. A guy back home had a mid 90s Dodge Voyager decked out with a ton of assorted surplus electronics and even had "USS Voyager" and the NCC ship number on the sides and "Shuttlebay" across the back hatch. Very visibly, too. Women in a 100 mile radius recoiled. All people were. Betcha cops pulled him over regularly just for a laugh. He took his mom's old minivan and turned it into a local "treasure".

Could be the same guy starting a new project. USS Explorer or USS Tahoe wouldn't surprise me
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I can’t believe he got arrested again
This time failure to register as a sex offender
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Dude watching this is better than tiger king ! Just when I think I saw all the metro state episodes another one surfaces. I think Jeremy DeWitt killed Carol's husband under Florida statute 666.2. Subsection 3 paragraph 5 states a funeral escort company can bury one body along with their client once a year if it snows in Philadelphia Pa. Before the 16th of December.
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I can’t believe he got arrested again
This time failure to register as a sex offender

Why doesn't it surprise me at all that he's a sex offender?? Lmao that impersonator from Arkansas caught by his own body cam didn't register either IIRC. Kind of an unsurprising, but disturbing of impersonators also being pervs.

But wait, there's more Metro State whackerdom

Just saw this one. Pure gold. You have "Miley" abusing volunteer power and some twigboy nerd filming. Some beta male wuss acting tough by playing cop. Of course the Dewitte catchphrase of "SERGEANT! SERGEANT!" too lol. Can't be a Dewitte clip without that!
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so that video is from the manufacturer.. is it a srewey install. yea.. is it whackerdom.. i dont think so.. but the red and white grille lights are pointless LOL
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when it costs the customers $1700 just to respond to a call then either mileage, hourly rate or both, you can afford that...
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Is that Teaneck New Jersey tow truck for ambulances? :D
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metro state tow division

DimWitt: "Sergeant, FRS 316.1974 says..."

Sarge: "...That you can shut the actual f**k up right now."
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I wanna talk to your looootinnint or captain now sar Jint...
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well i was going to post a vide of a whacked out security vehicle but apparently the video is set to only be seen on the FB group page..
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