Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

A jeep would have gotten stuck too.... Apparently even lawn mowers do it's a soft area. I sware we dove the trucks though that area when we built the barn but apparently not.

Show me a jeep that can tow a 20k pound load of apples and 10k of grain and I'd consider one. Till then the uni body junk can stay away I need a truck not a tall car

Jeep Rubicons are pretty cool but still just a car..... 4wd but not the answer for truck stuff.
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Yeah, He wouldn't even make it to the mud if he had a Jeep, especially a fake one like yours! :crackup: :rotfl:
however did I guess youd chime in with that BS comment. Dont hate; Jeeps FTW
here for 8.

got off work yesterday and was just about to head to the square to see what time terminator genesis was playing when I here a voice on our squad channel that I didn't recognize (first thought it as on HAM repeater) I wait a min and look down and she said something again and it was on squad side. I get on radio and say "unit calling" if I had known it was the com center I wouldn't have answered... ugh... apparently im the only person who keeps radio on LOL, called for a tree down on some road.

meet up with another guy on squad to grab truck and off we went. by the time we got there citizen had already cut it up and removed most of it from the road. had some caught on cable lines, I advise dispatch roadway is passible but to send someone with a bucket truck. cleared and got back to town.

mowed mine and the neighbors yard, then took a nap.
Happy 4th everyone!! Now let's hope this wet central Louisiana weather keeps up so the idiots stay inside.
probably won't be posting anything for winners in here.  Might start giving stuff to people successfully getting a hold of the sexual offender for us.  Our facebook manager had some pretty good ideas so I might let him run that on there. 
probably won't be posting anything for winners in here. Might start giving stuff to people successfully getting a hold of the sexual offender for us. Our facebook manager had some pretty good ideas so I might let him run that on there.
Dammit Nic, all this time I've never wanted to FB!

Til now..👿
But how can I win a 3rd time then?!
How about a first time for some of us. [emoji16]

Here's to a rainy fourth with only one run. Frequent flier assist to ems for the large male. [emoji85]
probably won't be posting anything for winners in here.  Might start giving stuff to people successfully getting a hold of the sexual offender for us.  Our facebook manager had some pretty good ideas so I might let him run that on there. 

A few days ago, I started posting in this thread just so I could win something nifty from FEVER. There goes another missed opportunity in my life.

A few days ago, I started posting in this thread just so I could win something nifty from FEVER. There goes another missed opportunity in my life.
you can have the bumper sticker I won Chief, I already won something in here so I dont mind paying it forward
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I appreciate your offer, Dave, but I think I will pass... I was looking for something more like a case of discontinued Typhoon Thanks anyhow.
i do not now, nor will I ever do facebook... I hear its on the downturn anyways..

heck I still have a myspace but haven't been on it in 2 or 3 years
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I am with you, Jarred.

My only venture into social media is ELB (and email). I enjoy chat and the forum posts. I don't text, tweet, FB, or anything else similar and do not intend to start. I don't own a smart phone and am not going to get one. I am down to only 1.5 PCs working (out of 5). When the last one fails, I guess it will be back to carrier doves (I have doves and quail, but no pigeons and the quail don't like to fly so doves will get the job)  and smoke signals (My farm/ranch is only 17 miles from the nearest Native American reservation [now known as the Cheyenne-Arapaho Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area]). I am keeping smoke signals as a last resort. I once learned how to use them, but I caught too many blankets on fire to consider myself 'proficient' and I am not sure a rogue moderator would have the resources to reply to me if needed..
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Back to the grind for another 40...  Checking in for 8 tonight...

Sadly, I didn't get ANY light related things done this weekend...  Was concentrating on other "extracurriculars" that sadly didn't pan out completely...  

Friday I mowed my yard for the last time...  And it took over twice as long as usual...  I mowed it all, then I re-mowed it from one side to the other, just to blow the clippings into the tree line so there wasn't any clumps of grass...  The yard hasn't looked this damn good in years...  lol

Friday night I went out (for the first time in years) for a friends birthday...  Had a blast, it was nice just to get out for a change...  Had some fun during and after as well...  

Didnt get to do much Saturday cause the weather was shitty for most of the day...  Today I went over the house and picked up my riding mower, push mower, and the wheels and tires off her H3 I have to sell, along with some garbage...  All that's left over there I have to clean out before closing is 1 more bag of garbage...  

As for the closing, it should be early this week, so that will be a load off...  Then I'll be getting some bills/debt squared away and maybe buying a firearm or two...  Then it on to hardcore looking for a new house...  
Monday is approaching fast. [emoji107]
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I really don't need 12. 3 will do nicely. Just hanging out - waiting to WIN.c

I really don't need 12. 3 will do nicely. Just hanging out - waiting to WIN.c
I hereby default all of my future posts in this thread to be on the behalf of Chief. If I win, he wins instead. If I don't win, he will have to be a loser like me.
I hereby default all of my future posts in this thread to be on the behalf of Chief. If I win, he wins instead. If I don't win, he will have to be a loser like me.
I too forfeit all future winnings to Terry. If I win, Terry wins. If I dont win, Alec is still the loser :razz:
I too forfeit all future winnings to Terry. If I win, Terry wins. If I dont win, Alec is still the loser :razz:
Jokes on you, even when I win I'm a loser.
Just wasted 60 miles for nothing....

Mowed my big yards today. Back to the new job tommorow

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