Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Lol...bad part is most of this stuff was broke when I got this truck.
mower running... check

weedeater going...check.

now to get new blades, plug, filters, and oil for mower. figure out hwats wrong with throttle cable, and get another tire for trailer. almost ready for mowing season.

at work for 8 with an 8 hour turnaround for another 8
So apparently me and my mechanic friend have been selected to represent our company at a local touch a truck event. This should be interesting as neither one of us like to talk.
Back in for 12...  Ran out of the house quick for an MVA and forgot ti bring what was needed to work on the lightbar tonight...  So I guess its gonna be a long night...  lol

So apparently me and my mechanic friend have been selected to represent our company at a local touch a truck event. This should be interesting as neither one of us like to talk.
Thats scary...  lol
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Just load up on baked beans before the event so whenever you're asked a question, you can simply fart in reply.
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So apparently me and my mechanic friend have been selected to represent our company at a local touch a truck event. This should be interesting as neither one of us like to talk.
What, uh... What do y'all do at these events? Circle jerk around a semi?

Forget I asked. I know what your answer is going to be.
if its anything think like the ones we do around here, its like a "these are or trucks and this what they do" event for kids

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Checking back in for 12...  Hopefully doing some "finish" work on the custom bar...  Getting the T-1000 mounted securely...  Then mess with the flash pattern...  Then once weather breaks I'll start devising a way to mount it...  
I thought about getting 2 sets of the 150# mags like I have on the 36"...  1200# of pull should hold a full bar...  LoL  
and considering your half the weight (if that) of a full MX, i think that would more than suffice
boulder only weighs half of the size of a mx.....?

so the boss is playing hookey today, and I get stuck on 10 - 12 hours depending on when my reliefs inspection from the state is completed on her daycare....

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How come no one posts comments on JDI's Never Ending Comment Contest thread?

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We would, Jazz, but since JDI staff is administering it, well, you know.


Another 12 yesterday, looks like this week is shaping up to be another 65-70 hours. I like the idea of the money, but man that much work makes one old and tired before his time.
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Not sure if I should stay stuck between a rock and a hard place or fight a upstream battle on shit creek without a paddle.
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Not sure if I should stay stuck between a rock and a hard place or fight a upstream battle on shit creek without a paddle.
Thats a toughy...  lol  

Checking back in for my final 8 of the week...  If today was ANY indication on how selling the house it going to be, its going to suck majorly...  

The sellers made an appointment today for the one inspector to come to the house and take a water sample and do a Radon test...  The guy said he would be there between 1200-1400.  Thats fine and dandy, I can split up my sleep for the day, no problem...  I get up at 1130 just to make sure I was up when he got there just incase he was early...  The guy didn't show up until 1515...  GRRRRR   :angry:   :mad:   :hissyfit:
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That's inspectors for you. Mine dragged his feet the entire way.

Day 6 of 7 of overnights. Comeon friday. Not that its going to be any quieter. I have 5 boxes of lights to do and 3 lightbars to build. Have to make a pair of mini freedoms for a neighboring dept.
last 12 before 3 off; racked 8 hrs OT, when this check comes Im not going to know what to do with myself

who am i kidding, yes I will :haha:
last 12 before 3 off; racked 8 hrs OT, when this check comes Im not going to know what to do with myself

who am i kidding, yes I will :haha:
Oh yeah? My check next week will have 27.95 hours of OT on it.

Suck it. :lol: j/k
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got the car washed yesterday first time in awhile. waiting on my tax return so I can get some blinkies and woo woos...

and a new pair of work boots.

waiting for payday tomorrow!

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