Travel Scrabble

Thanks. Played a long time ago, but finally getting back at it.

Trying to remember if we can go to six letters or not.

If we can, I'll say that it probably SMELLS as bad as it would taste.

If not, I'll accept my foul.
just remember the more letters the harder to keep playing.. nowlets go get some sea SHELLS
It was a max of 6, min of 3.

So, SHALL we continue?
Won't be long before we have to SALT sidewalks again...
I wonder if I can use control ALT delete.. or if that word isn't legal I'll call SAL you choose..
No SALE on the alt, that's an abbreviation.
Dictionary says it's a noun, as of 1996, a prefix, and an abbreviation... So...ill take you to the farmer and the DALE
Eh, that dictionary blows with GALE force winds.
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You don't have the GALL
Do you need them released from a CELL?
Norman FELL was on Three's Company as Mr. Roper.
Do you FEEL better knowing that?
for EEL?
Had a DEER in a headlight moment... It had been over 100 posts since that was used
It's ok if you VEER into foul territory. I'll always bring you back.
Foul on Leer and reel, both having been used in the last 100 posts. Back to VEER.
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veer is still last valid word

Now lets see who VEERS this back in the right direction...
But their slogan is "JEEP there's only one"
What about DEER??

Literally the post right before veer, but since this train has already gone off the DEEP end, we'll just say that the penalty is declined.

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