Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Tell him his danger tape is on backwards..

That just adds to the hilarity of it all, but it's not surprising. His whole existence is backwards. This is just the least of his ass-backwardsness. Remember, this is a guy that thinks that sump pumps pump water into your house and who cuts into an AC unit's tubing without knowing about coolant gases and then tries to refill it with the car AC refills at Canadian Tire.
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what in the actual ... "F"
alley lights arent bright enough so he added off road leds to it.. and whats witht he yellow switch!

seeing how they used interior hooks to keep from drilling holes, i guess this their answer not drilling holes for the wires.
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well i thought this was going to be a normal video... until the last 30 seconds...


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Boredom at work. I'm usually playing a video in the background while playing 40 thieves solitaire.
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well i thought this was going to be a normal video... until the last 30 seconds...


At first, I was thinking: "That's one bad-ass rig!" I was watching the last 30 seconds, expecting some sort of crazy whacker light show. Nothing...and then I heard it. Then I thought: "And now it's ruined..." I don't know if this is a waste of a truck or a waste of a Q. A little from Column A, a lot from Column B.
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My thoughts exactly
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yes "the sun" is keeping your lights from being seen.

you cant eat without your vest!
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yes "the sun" is keeping your lights from being seen.

you cant eat without your vest!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

Why would a storm spotter need a pushbar? Does he need it to push a tornado out of the way or something? Lol a Vector/Vision on a Taurus station wagon?! Seriously?! What a waste...

"We have one issue..." No, I'd say you have a whole hell of a lot more than one.

Seems that the Dork Factor is off the charts with storm spotters/chasers.
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i think im about to start a thread just for storm spotters....

they keep coming up on my "watch me"

storm spotting in mom's van....

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Bet he is/was his school's Prom King. With a badass ride and super cool video like that, he probably has to fend the women off with a pointy stick. I bet his buddy is just as popular. Those guys probably get invited to every party and are a total wrecking crew at parties. Parties like that storm chaser cookout, presumably.
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youtube must know im posting these here... todays category of the day it has me stuck on is "professional roadside assistant"s

poker machine and what did he do to the domes of that mx7000

Becausse you have to have 12's with your aircompressor

this one has probably had more repairs done on it then actual "service calls"

Broke cars, whatcha want watcha you gona do, when we change a tire for you...

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"the entire setup is run off one cig plug...."

"hey guys do we get a lightbar with take down over ride?... NO just put an offroad lightbar on top of it!"

although the rotator pattern on the bar is neat... which way are the back lights mounted.... the flash back looks as bright as the lighting go out ward...

oh no the guy with that trailblazer has a fleet of poker machines...
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thought this was going to be a safe vid...

all the wiring going through and around the door...

rats nest under drivers seat...

led dashlight on top of a strobe dashlight with a "no smoking" sign...

no loom on lights under bed cover...

coax running through door...

theres a "starter" switch on the dash

Wonder how long until he responds to his own vehicle fire...
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Wow, I LOVE how they showed the plates on the VT cars!! :) So I ran 'em!

CVPI is expired...

Fusion expires this month and hasn't been renewed yet...

Hmm, guess I have to pass those on to friends of mine to look out for.

Seriously? The Crown Vic video is over two years old. Who knows/cares whether its still being driven.
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must be a short guy.... no leg room under dash..

"i change out my lights from when i do ham communications to my FD"

must have a slow response time.. and i love the cb amp on his ham rig...

older vid from same user....

somebody PLEASE tell me that isnt a battery operated halloween strobe light on this guys dash!!!!
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WHY?? Someone tell me WHY you would do that to a STREETHAWK!?!?

I know...I feel your pain too. Just look at the rest of the truck for your answer. The owner is clearly a bit touched in the head.

Jarred, how the hell do you keep finding these videos? It's like you have some sort of ability to find some hidden and obscure group of whackers. What group's next? There have to be some more out there!

Little do said whackers know that the view count on their videos is increasing due to this thread :D .
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I like the one that states the video was shot in direct sunlight. Oooo, break of the SPF 70!
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Love this thread LOL

The only people that don't are whackers. Even then, they'd probably still like this thread because it gives them new ideas.
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with the holidays right around the corner i dontr want people to get GREEN with envy so...

I'm guessing fake dispatch? and green and amber for in New york fire?

seems to be a "legit" security company....
but when i think i NOVA i think of this...


Just... NO.

The green hornet didnt drive a VIC...

ok now that i read the description... even better...
front lights are flashlights...

the rest uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........

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with the holidays right around the corner i dontr want people to get GREEN with envy so...

I'm guessing fake dispatch? and green and amber for in New york fire?

seems to be a "legit" security company....
but when i think i NOVA i think of this...

View attachment 208995

Just... NO.

The green hornet didnt drive a VIC...

ok now that i read the description... even better...
front lights are flashlights...

the rest uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........

The last one....that dog looks really upset because he's in that car. You can see the shame on his face. Notice how quickly he takes off.
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It's in california so its gotta have steady green right?


uhh gota warn the ants?

lights up the wipers real well...

tear drops with strobes in them?
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one "word"...(acronym)


Not really a vehicle video (unless this was his set up that burned...)
but apparently his "job" is to video tape himself being in the way?
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This guy gets his own post....

"police lights"

i'm pretty sure he said frog lights...

This one wouldnt be bad if it wasnt from the same guy...

and the other ride...
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more storm chasing goodness...

The lights are sending morse code... (please kill us), unit 1 must be the golf cart.....

This is my dad's truck....
Wouldnt be bad as a pilot car, but a full size streethawk to storm chase....

$20 walmart blinky light...

In 2017, a crackhead whacker unit was sent to a SKYWARN class by his mom for a crime he wanted to commit. This "man" promptly escaped from the maximum 4 hour class to the Oklahoma underground. Today, still wanted by NOAA, eh survives as spotter of fortune. If you have a storm... if no one else can help... and if you can find him... maybe you can hire... The A-Team wannabee van guy.

What "PODS" is this loser deploying? wiring fail on video... Bwahahahaha
a 350 motor for chasing storms...

I think this guy is SKYWARN, but nothing gives it away on the vehicle....
Assuming thats a CB antenna on the hood... he has a 90 on the coax to the mount, and some kind of adapter on the mount to the antenna, so his max power on his cb is 1.5 watts. LOL
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