Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

security world tactics?

and that's observe and report right?
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Some Wacker At The Depot
I love the "Non-Emergency" notation on the hood. lol

The car does say "Demo Unit" on it. SWAT Depot has a Facebook page that implies they are a distributor, but it hasn't had any content since 2012. The associated web page is no longer active. The facebook page also looks "whackerish" from a business perspective, in my opinion.

security world tactics?

and that's observe and report right?
Security World Tactics has a Facebook page, too, and the web page linked from there is still up. It doesn't look like they actually did any security work, just another so-called retailer for a lot of brands of stuff. reports this "business" as closed.

And who would have thought you could find DOUBLE WHACKER in a single picture?
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Spotlights and mailbox stickers on the body make for the best undercover car
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Paster side windows



Securitas explains it all
It sounds to me like what he needs is a dictionary.

I've worked with that company for a couple months now and haven't had any issues. Or seen anyone with cars like that.

Heck, even our company cars that I've seen just have a single off brand strobe light on top.

If I did this to my vehicle my supervisor would probably kill me.
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i saw a securitas car roll through my town one time... the 3 red dots and a single beacon on a prius was hillarious
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Ford Torus, with spotlap also have police selin with six settings! whale, yep, Aux, Hi.lo, Mech, PeA system! Even comes with a paster side window!

just plain awesome! lol :bonk:
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If I was that security company I would not like to be mistaken for a OK State Trooper  pulling up into a Circle K getting robbed at gun point.
Truly whackerish if real, but it looks photoshopped. The "Security" lettering doesn't align properly on the car (although they could have just done a crappy job of putting it on) and the color doesn't quite match the "Emergency 911" lettering. Hard to tell if the logo is shopped or real, though.

Googling Oklahoma Security Patrol doesn't bring up any businesses with that name, but Oklahoma Security Patrol LLC is a current registered corporate name. The registered agent is a company that offers registered agent services, which seems to me kind of like domain name parking on the internet.

I don't know about OK law regarding security companies, but sure seems like a company that tried to look that much like State Troopers would get a lot of law enforcement attention, and not in a positive way.
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Found this gem in BC today sitting at the entrance of a trailer (park) "resort".

Trying to look like our national police force... I guess it's a traffic unit. ...? Don't even get me started on the mag mount logo....

The kicker is the cheap amber kojak light on the dash. Reminded me of Jim Lahey's car from the tv show Trailer Park Boys.

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If I was that security company I would not like to be mistaken for a OK State Trooper  pulling up into a Circle K getting robbed at gun point.
DO THEY STILL USE MILLENNIUMS?!?!?!?!?! I F#$&**#&$ love seeing Millenniums in use. WIN.
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Got pulled over by a fake cop.. Went home over the summer, left my lights in a storage unit. Just driving around on my day off with t tops off, and a tan crown Vic started riding my,rear end and flashed blue and green lights at me in the grill.

I turned down a side street, and pulled over and called 911. Just as he got behind me he sped off.. No official markings, lights inside the grill and lights around third brake light as well as the police Interceptor badge.

I didn't follow but 911 told me it wasn't a legitimate traffic stop because an officer was not in that area. So I gave the nice lady the license plate number.

They were decent lights, and the entire car looked convincing. I didn't get any pictures because I was on the phone, wish I did. Was kind of pissed off too because I wasn't speeding or driving bad at all lol
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Got pulled over by a fake cop.. Went home over the summer, left my lights in a storage unit. Just driving around on my day off with t tops off, and a tan crown Vic started riding my,rear end and flashed blue and green lights at me in the grill.

I turned down a side street, and pulled over and called 911. Just as he got behind me he sped off.. No official markings, lights inside the grill and lights around third brake light as well as the police Interceptor badge.

I didn't follow but 911 told me it wasn't a legitimate traffic stop because an officer was not in that area. So I gave the nice lady the license plate number.

They were decent lights, and the entire car looked convincing. I didn't get any pictures because I was on the phone, wish I did. Was kind of pissed off too because I wasn't speeding or driving bad at all lol
Its ashame a person couldnt run tjat tag number, figure out the owner then find them on facebook. Someone like that has got to have that whacker mobile plastered on every whacker group on fb
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DO THEY STILL USE MILLENNIUMS?!?!?!?!?! I F#$&**#&$ love seeing Millenniums in use. WIN.
At the moment all Troop cars are slick tops and the Turnpike cars have Code 3 TR21 light bars with an amber stick in the back window.

Beginning soon, all enforcement vehicles will have SoundOff light bars. On the older black and whites you still see Galaxy's but I give it less than a year before they are gone. No Millenniums in years.
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I saw the DC Tahoe while I was there for the fourth of July last year. The only part of it that looked good were all the vertex's mounted at the bottom of the front bumper. 

Super shitty video quality to match the super shitty setup. 
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I would love to be pulled over by a fake cop. If they speed away I think their butt hole would pucker up when I activate my Red Blues on my POV to start chase on them and they realize they just tried to pull over a Constables POV.
Odessa P.D. recently caught a guy running lights and siren to pull people over for traffic offenses.  They confirmed that he was not a local vollie, s they sacked him up big time!
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The new vans for Charter Communications (cable company, if you didnt know) have what appear to be Code 3 XT4s mounted like chameleon eyes on the front... You know, incase airplanes, helicopters, and aliens need to find the cable guy....


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I was doing traffic control for a road paving company on monday. one of their water tankers had an LED beacon light (it was shaped like the number 8.) mounted to the BACK of the tank. The only thing it lit up was the ground and anything perpendicular to the tank!
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Got pulled over by a fake cop.. Went home over the summer, left my lights in a storage unit. Just driving around on my day off with t tops off, and a tan crown Vic started riding my,rear end and flashed blue and green lights at me in the grill.

I turned down a side street, and pulled over and called 911. Just as he got behind me he sped off.. No official markings, lights inside the grill and lights around third brake light as well as the police Interceptor badge.

I didn't follow but 911 told me it wasn't a legitimate traffic stop because an officer was not in that area. So I gave the nice lady the license plate number.

They were decent lights, and the entire car looked convincing. I didn't get any pictures because I was on the phone, wish I did. Was kind of pissed off too because I wasn't speeding or driving bad at all lol
That's rather and blue combo here in Texas.  He must've taken advantage of one of STL's sales.  Odessa had a problem with a guy in a pickup pulling people over using r/b lights.  They finally caught up with him and charged him with impersonating a police officer. I'm not sure if he actually identified himself as l.e. or what, but they got him off the street.

I think I've mentioned before elsewhere in this thread about a guy I knew when I worked at AID Ambulance in Lubbock.  The guy drove a very dark blue '65 or '66 Impala (this was in 1969). He came up with a blue magnetic light that he promptly put on top of his car...stating that he did roadside service on the side.  But I began to  hear traffic on the scanner about someone with a blue light pulling people over; and he eventually made the mistake of pulling over an unmarked unit.  End of his story and his job at AID Ambulance.
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This sure brightened my otherwise boring early Sunday morning. I may have to incorporate some of his techniques into the next install I do for myself.

Thanks for posting this!
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The new vans for Charter Communications (cable company, if you didnt know) have what appear to be Code 3 XT4s mounted like chameleon eyes on the front... You know, incase airplanes, helicopters, and aliens need to find the cable guy....


Maybe they did that because things are looking up for them. :D
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