Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread


These 2 come complete with a spray painted car and super wack tastic amber lights


And this one comes complete with a functioning tornado siren.

Goodies from the national weather service storm chaser car show


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Here is one storm chaser that thinks red and blue is ok ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352241074.686792.jpg

And a couple of install findings


And from a local police department that had some electrical problems. Hmm I wonder whyImageUploadedByTapatalk1352241223.670523.jpg

Photos courtesy of miller88

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I heard that OSP will stop and pull over anyone with illegal lights, hopefully that is true and that chaser gets his day from them.

There are storm chasers hear that do the same, illegal colours and I know a few that go busted for it.
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vonirkinshtine said:
A pickup for a news channel in the heart of tornado alley...I'll give it to 'em. I guess they really want to make sure that they report the storm damage first!

I don't know a dang thing bout tornados, never even seen one to be honest. But I sure would love to get up close and personal with em just to drive that truck! Pure sex!
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ast123 said:
I don't know a dang thing bout tornados, never even seen one to be honest. But I sure would love to get up close and personal with em just to drive that truck! Pure sex!

Well, you are getting carried away... :popcorn:
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Re: What are those clear lightbars on the bumper and cab?

Flood lights. For steady lighting. No blinkies

Gotta illuminate the funnel clouds.
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Keith K. said:

that was a member here years ago. He had about 40 as2s for sale, 10-20 lp6000 minibars, clear amber filters, 20 amber dual dashmisers, several amber dashlaser m and some ecco evolutions. i even think 550 beacons. I bought a bunch of stuff off him.
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ast123 said:
Get rid of a couple of those lights in the grille and it would look good!
Those 3 amber in the top are factory marker lights.
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Whoaw !

It takes some serious self confidence to drive such a beast !! :hail:

I love the window handle gently lying on top of the dash. Everything's in the details !! :crackup:
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Storm chasers... why? I understand researchers (scientists) chasing storms, but these vehicles look like it's just a bunch of wanna-be's who were looking for an excuse to deck out a car or truck with lights and crappy wiring.
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stansdds said:
Storm chasers... why? I understand researchers (scientists) chasing storms, but these vehicles look like it's just a bunch of wanna-be's who were looking for an excuse to deck out a car or truck with lights and crappy wiring.

More or less that's what it is. Some people are legitimate researchers or reporters... especially in disaster prone areas... up in Maine we have a few people who work with the red cross or other agencies and will legitimately be useful in Nor'easters and other natural emergencies .... but most are just people who like feeling important. I'd have more respect for them if they decked out the cars openly and honestly, and admitted they just liked lights -- sorta like a show car... instead of just doing it up under the excuse of storm chasing.

I should also point out that there are people that legitimately enjoy going out in storms and get a thrill out of it... these people generally don't have lots of lights...
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IshyFlynn said:
I should also point out that there are people that legitimately enjoy going out in storms and get a thrill out of it... these people generally don't have lots of lights...

Do you mean in their vehicles? Or upstairs? lol :haha:
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irsa76 said:
Isn't that the NYPD chief or something?

Looking at it, I can't say for sure but it does look like something NYPD Comissioner Kelly would ride around in.
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Illegitimacy does not a whacker make.
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K9Vic said:
Yes they are test vehicles for cellular companies and they are needed to test the cellular systems so you can send your tweet that you just saw Britney Spears at the Ivy. They drive around testing the cellular signal and report this to know where to make updates of changes. They are not whacker, they must have all those antennas to test the system. Here is a link to an article about from Verizon Wireless.

Inside the Verizon Wireless Test Car | News & Opinion |

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JohnMarcson said:
Which states? You are going to need to back that up with a state law..... it is true that volunteers are forced to use "unregulated colors" on their POVs in some states...including white/clear.... but specifically requiring white I have never seen nor heard of.

It might be a bit of a stretch, but in Delaware the only light "specified" for vollies are wig-wags.
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if i hadnt been driving our ema van in the parade saturday i would have gotten a pic of a van blocking an intersection owned by a guy on the rescue unit.

he had his van parked blocking both lanes of a side road. his "emergency lights" were the led "stobe lights" that went on clearance 2 weeks ago after halloween. i would love to see a video of him getting out to turn them on. you know... since they are battery operated and alll..... :crazy:
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Jarred J. said:
if i hadnt been driving our ema van in the parade saturday i would have gotten a pic of a van blocking an intersection owned by a guy on the rescue unit.

he had his van parked blocking both lanes of a side road. his "emergency lights" were the led "stobe lights" that went on clearance 2 weeks ago after halloween. i would love to see a video of him getting out to turn them on. you know... since they are battery operated and alll..... :crazy:

I did that same thing once. Years back, I saw them on sale (75% off from $5) and actually kept a couple of those in my trunk at one time or another as part of my roadside kit.... you know, with my jumper cables and tire iron.
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I've been trying to get photos of 2 vehicles I've spotted in my county.

One is a b/w crown vic with an all blue solid strobe bar, with "constable" stenciled onto the doors in italics. It looks so out of place here.

The other is a pickup with an almost identical lightbar to the crown vic, but all green and "Charter" written in yellow on the door. It's really strange as most of the utility vehicles etc use amber/white.
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These pictures are from our department's new 2012 F450 rescue truck. After the 'County Shop' did there thing to it I decided to look around. After rerunning the lightbar harness, stopping the radio wires from arcing when you turned the siren on, looming ALL of the the shop's wiring, and moving the mic clip so that you could put the truck in drive (yes, they mounted the mic so it obstructed the shifter). I was kinda fed up that our chief would let a brand new truck get defaced by the people who are suppose to keep the truck repaired. Then I got underneath....See attached photos. The first 2 are the wire that goes to the once auto ejecting shore line that hasn't worked in years(old rescue box now on new truck). The bottom photo is the ground for the ENTIRE emergency light system (Whelen justice bar, wig-wags, 10 code 3 45BZRH perimeter lights, and the justice's alley lights). I am no upfitter, just a firefighter with a passion for lights. This unnerving thinking that the people that did this are in charge of my life and my patients life.



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