Behind the scenes

Good Lord, gone for over 2 years and I come back not only to find JDI still in business, but expanded into the apparatus sector? God help the department that's forced into buying that!
What do you mean "to find JDI still in business"? Be nice or I'll tell everyone you managed one of our overseas plants during your absence.
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Order yours today!


(I don't know what the saxophone has to do with JDI.)
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What do you mean "to find JDI still in business"? Be nice or I'll tell everyone you managed one of our overseas plants during your absence.

We both know the truth jazz. I was on a diplomatic mission to your KerplukistanI manufacturing facility, bringing them food, clean water, democracy and Medicine. When you found out what I was trying to do you bribed the Kerplukistani government to arrest me and throw me in jail. But now I've made it home and I'm going to tell everyone about the conditions in your factory.
OK, there are some of you out there that say JDI lightbars cause fires. Hey, sometimes our sirens do, too.

It's been a busy year so far at JDI. Soon to be released to the market, JDI's ALPR system. Very discrete.

JDI, Ltd are very proud to announce the new line of summer turnout gear. Look for further details to come.

JDI Summer.jpg
Look cool, be cool®
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How ironic.......check the ad that popped up on my screen while I was looking at a JDI post....screenshot it...

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Class action lawsuit? At JDI, we are very familiar with that term.
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In case anyone wonders what my office looks like.

My office.jpg

(Mostly technical manuals. Some day I'll have to read them.)
Recently, JDI partnered with another leading (but lesser) emergency lighting manufacturer to produce this new bar. The thought is; who ever mandated that lightbars should be mounted crosswise on vehicles? We asked, why can't they be mounted lengthwise? That's why JDI is the industry leader - our Innovation and Courage to buck the status quo.

great for intersection warning and those pesky blocking situations were your vehicle is at a 45 degree angle
I just returned from a 3 week tour of some of the JDI facilities. I am proud to announce that our Moldovan manufacturing plant has seen a 10% drop in workers dropping dead at their assembly stations. Sure it cost a lot of money to insulate the high voltage lines under their desks, but it seems to be paying dividends.
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No, but here's a photo of what every one of our production line staff goes through at the end of their shift.


Something about the mercury, arsenic and rubidium used in our PC boards. Whatever.
Nothing new, just bumping the thread.

Jared: No, JDI is not getting new parts from that Visibar and Twin. (Those items are way too modern!)
Who says JDI is not patriotic? Here's a shot of some of the secretaries at the 4th of July picnic. Never mind the tug-of-war is stretching wire for future JDI products...
What would you do? Extrusion machines are costly.
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break time

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Not that this belongs in this thread, but I believe I've found a photo of Jared as a child.

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Nope... Not a ginger, my name has 2 "R"s and I wore Reebok pumps...
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OK, bringing the thread back on topic.

Here are some JDI employees coming in to work in the morning.


My, but they're a joyous lot!
As we have dominated the emergency response products arena for years now, JDI has decided to branch out. Shortly, we will be introducing the JDI line of state-of-the-art spatulas. In advance, thank you for your continued support.

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(We had some inside dirt on Cy Greenblume, so figured we could leverage it.)
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I will not be on eLB for the next 11 days, as I will be touring one of JDI’s manufacturing facilities. Would you like me to convey your regards while I am there?

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I know... He's Emulating Brigitte Neilsen! Or was it that woman in that movie ohhh whats hte name of it.. the one with that kid who turns into a superhero cause he cant feel pain and hit girl ( Bill Mumy's kid ) Dang I cant think of the name... the woman was in the second movie...
I know... He's Emulating Brigitte Neilsen! Or was it that woman in that movie ohhh whats hte name of it.. the one with that kid who turns into a superhero cause he cant feel pain and hit girl ( Bill Mumy's kid ) Dang I cant think of the name... the woman was in the second movie...

Kick @ss
If it comes up, I will ask Supreme Leader where he gets his hair cut (or molded).
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Found this in the vault recently.

The truck or did you finally let the attendant out
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Actually I think he found some Undelivered packages still in the bed of the truck... now they are forced to have to pay those people back for those items that never made it to their destinations..

well... then youll be talking to some friends of mine with the post office... they will gladly redirect your business to alaska!

I really do hate showing off, but here is one of my limos in front of my beach house waiting to pick me up.
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