Your favourite 'weird' vehicles, some real, some "photoshops"

The Australian police vehicle looks like some sort of police hearse. Then again, 'Straya is the land of Mad Max. Having known more than a few Aussies, Mad Max is actually a documentary and kangaroos do box people (seriously). A police hearse would be very useful in a country where everything is venomous and Bogans run wild.

The Dublin Civil Defence vehicle is likely full of Shillelaghs, pot still whiskey, Guinness, more whiskey, more Guinness, potatoes and Shillelaghs that double as whiskey flasks. I know this because I have a ton of Irish heritage and actually do own both Shillelaghs and Irish whiskey in quantity. Drinking and bludgeoning is in our blood.

Now, if it was Belfast, it'd be a totally different story. Said truck would be a Scimitar IFV instead. Reminds me of a story about a company commander I had on a training course in the Army. British Army exchange officer. Mountain of a man and utterly fearless. Personification of the British stiff upper lip. We'd hear all sorts of crazy stories about him when he was on tour. One was when he was a Junior Subaltern (2Lt) in Northern Ireland. IRA fighters threw a nail bomb at the British soldiers. Said nail bomb landed squarely between him and his commanding officer. Without a moment's hesitation, he immediately picked it up and chucked it back at the IRA fighters. Nail bomb lands next to the IRA's vehicle and detonates. IRA fighters dispersed.
Is that CD vehicle on a Defender chassis?
Oh, I need one of these! (Never mind that I'm in a rural department.)

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Oh, I need one of these! (Never mind that I'm in a rural department.)

Looks cool and all but totally would not work lol. It would tip over and kill some liberal arts professor or something while trying to go to the call and people would freak out. Plus once it arrived on scene....if it ever did arrive the air turbulence in between those buildings would make that thing so unstable it would crash and burn into one of the buildings hopefully taking out another College Liberal Arts Professor in the process.
I don't see why it wouldn't just fly to the scene and then drop the water line.
It obviously wasn't created by someone who knows FF equipment, or basic laws of physics. It's fun though.

And Station 3, about it tipping over -
Well I see they took off
How would you like to be assigned this vehicle?

Let's stay with the bike theme for a moment.

Scot Scoot.jpg
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A snow plow? I thought it was a box blade.
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unlike JDI products.. if you look close enough you can see the plow up front.. it also has "driveway markers" on it as feelers...
Blood car.jpg
To provide equal time, I guess I should post a photo of a Crip car, too?
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HHR like this?

Similar. No windows other than windshield, Rear window, and Driver & Passenger front?
Oh, and it was a hiddeous Green/blue color scheme...

Imagine this, but on a HHR...
I like the rental RVs that have a graphic in the window of the passenger door. They have one with smiling kids peering out, and one with a dog looking out. The RV rental location near Roswell, NM has a little green man peeking out that door window.
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I need one of these.

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:eek:. I want a fleet...
Yeah and spec for wouldn't need a million lights.... Night vision, FLIR, etc...
Not much protection if you're being shot it. :rolleyes:
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Oh, I need one of these! (Never mind that I'm in a rural department.)

This was great for a laugh! Surely this idea was Japanese-inspired. Someone was watching far too much anime when they came up with this contraption. That, or they were stoned as hell on some hallucinogen (presumably while watching too much anime). The CGI was just outstanding, so lifelike! No doubt that this video was very well-received in some Computer Animation class at an ITT Tech or Art Institute somewhere.

Looks like it rolls easy. Also, too much tech, anyone who was in the military knows this would break after its first use. Would be cool to see in movies i guess.


Take a look at this LAV III "boat" and compare it to that Blade Runner reject. Looks far less prone to rolling, right? We love our LAVs in the Canadian Army, but the LAV III had some major issues with rolling. There have been more than a few accidents, including those resulting in injury and death. The new upgraded version, the LAV 6.0 has improved upon the risk of rolling. Having been in a LAV many times, I can say that there have been more than a few times where I was positive it was going to roll. Those moments where you get that "Oh crap!" feeling in your stomach. It wasn't like the boat was in some completely ludicrous position either.

As for tech, the more tech there is and the fancier something looks, the more likely it is that it will break and will be Non-Serviceable far easier and that it will take longer and cost more to replace. Look Cool Factor (LCF) is great and all, but it's kit being rugged, dependable and easy and quick to repair and relatively inexpensive to replace that separates the good kit from the flashy crap. I could go on at length about this.
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I don't know why I do, but I need to have one of these. It's better than having one of those water cars from the 60s. Now, just make it able to fly like that AMC in The Man With the Golden Gun, and it'd be perfection.
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