Travel Scrabble

Sounds too much like a CHORE.
You should put that in a hallmark CARD.
If its not to HARD send it to me by next thursday.. ive got one of those day things were im still alive or something..
SHARP comeback.
not really... only needed a SHARD
Not HARD to play off of that one.
aparrently it is @SeattleSAR , when it was just played by me 5 posts ago so first FOUL of the year...
Anything else you want to SHARE?
Sometimes it's fun to verbally SPAR.
Next to the wood SLAT?
Had to check so my next play doesn't fall FLAT.
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We need to start going another direction, else this thread will FLOP again.
"some one" doesn't like GOLF for the flip..
Nah, you did GOOD.
I pity the FOOL that doesn't take time zones into account before posting about lunch.
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its a handy TOOL to say the least..
birthday today sure is a HOOT so far, although by definition it isnt what it means.. its a southern thang yall
And if you do, wash off the SOOT from the powder.
who on this forum will admit they are a SOT
So who here has performed a successful PIT maneuver?
do i get a PIN if i did it on a golf cart?
No, but while it may be a SIN, I'll buy ya a beer while you tell me the story of how that came to pass.

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