Travel Scrabble

Could be the FUNK
Just so long as he's not a PUNK.
Well, I don't think I can use the first word that came to mind, so I'll just sit back and have a PINT of Guinness.
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while your at it clean the LINT out of your belly button
My belly button lint is my business. Your comment is out of LINE, sir.
FINE! be that way
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FOUL! Fine was used post #422.

Back to line.
ohh go DINE  on some !@#$

Are you DONE now?
question you ask? I have NONE
Better HONE your Yoda skills a little more.
Skills of yoda I have, could not touch you with a BONE
That will not BODE well for you. Im afraid
Right. Keep to the CODE.
COLE, Virgil cole

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I smell a MOLE
So punch the mole right in the pie HOLE.
Does it also have a BOLO?
so much for YOLO all these words have been used already.......
Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, TOTO.
Steal my tater tots, and I'll call the COPS.
This job i have, i must COPE, even though the assholes i work with are dopes...
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I'd ask if you could ever post about anything but work, but I feel your answer would be NOPE.
yes i can, but it would take a miracle from the POPE....
So you're saying that there is HOPE for you yet?
not at the end of this ROPE

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