Timeline of equipment

If the lightbar mounted on Squad 51 is a CTS you need to reconsider your date of introduction of 1973- the pilot episode was filmed in the fall of 1971.

Maybe special order vs off the shelf (and then receiving its own ID)?

If anyone lives in California and can access a library. The "California Department of the California Highway Patrol " published a book in 1973 called "Twinsonic Light Study" It can be found at the following library:

San Diego State University
University of California, LA
California State Library, Sacramento
University of California, Santa Barbara
Stanford University Libraries
UC Berkley Libraries
University of California, Richmond, Northern Regional Library

Might have some interesting information and history in it.

I'll look into this as I get time. Maybe my local library can do an transfer, otherwise Berkeley and Sacramento are about 2 hours away, so not out of the question.
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stansdds it looks like I missed a bunch of your list. I don't know if you've added to it or I just spaced. That was a lot of info and I may have taken it in chunks and not picked it back up at some point.

I do have some questions though.

I could use some clarification on Force 4, these were a separate entity from PSE / Code 3 and later acquired, a sub branding under PSE separate from Code 3, or a sub-brand of Code 3?

Basically I'm not sure how to list these Code 3 / Force 4, just Force 4 or Code 3 with a tag that they were once made by Force 4?

I'm having some trouble with some of the Whelen lights, nothing comes up in a search for the Model 44 and 2300, beacons, light bars?

I completely missed the Signal-stat, Unity and Yankee entries.
Whelen's Rota-Beam 22, 44, and 55 were revisions of the Rota-Beam Senior and Senior Deputy. They came out in the mid to late 1960s. I don't recall a 2300 beacon.
I see the Federal Propello Ray came on scene in 1949. Wondering when Federal quit making Model 19s and roughly when they would've stopped being seen in service.
I see the Federal Propello Ray came on scene in 1949. Wondering when Federal quit making Model 19s and roughly when they would've stopped being seen in service.

It is hard enough trying to find intro dates, availability can linger on for quite sometime after production officially ends. Sometimes catalogs which seem one of the more reliable sources for introduction, can drop older items with shrinking sales although the item remains available for customers who ask possibly being assembled from parts or NOS sitting on a shelf that is being slowly sold off. Probably less true today with so much more focus on not having stock sitting around with "just in time" supply models.

As far as last used, you can find examples of emergency equipment decades older that the vehicle it is mounted on. Emergency equipment is relatively expensive and durable, so many agencies recycle from one vehicle to the next. Style and tradition seem to be the driving factors. Beacons fell out of favor fairly quickly once lightbars came on the scene, but there are agencies who stayed with beacons well into the 90s, and a few who still favor them (Michigan State Police for example).

Certainly not common but I bet you can still find a few Propello Rays in service on front line apparatus.
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Yeah I'm sure one can still be found in service today, but it obviously wouldn't be typical. To clarify, I'm hoping to learn when they quit being a part of Federal's "regular" product line and am only looking for a rough estimate of when they would no longer have been in common use.

To limit myself, I've restricted collection to things in common use from 1980 on (my birth year). Fine if something was manufactured before then as long as it wasn't unusual to see it in service in 1980. A subjective thing and not exactly super-limiting, I know, but it's the rule I have... well that and that I don't collect lights that don't interest me.
stansdds it looks like I missed a bunch of your list. I don't know if you've added to it or I just spaced. That was a lot of info and I may have taken it in chunks and not picked it back up at some point.

I do have some questions though.

I could use some clarification on Force 4, these were a separate entity from PSE / Code 3 and later acquired, a sub branding under PSE separate from Code 3, or a sub-brand of Code 3?

Basically I'm not sure how to list these Code 3 / Force 4, just Force 4 or Code 3 with a tag that they were once made by Force 4?

I'm having some trouble with some of the Whelen lights, nothing comes up in a search for the Model 44 and 2300, beacons, light bars?

I completely missed the Signal-stat, Unity and Yankee entries.
Public Safety Equipment was the manufacturer, they are now ECCO Safety Group. Code 3 was initial product line for their lights and sirens. The Code 3 emergency lights originally used sealed beam bulbs. When PSE introduced models with independently driven rotating parabolic mirrors with halogen bulbs, the designation Force 4 was created to differentiate these models from the sealed beam models. The earliest versions of the Force 4 line did not have the Force 4 name, but still used the Code 3 name. I hope that helps to clarify some muddy water.
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Any photos of a Federal 85 siren?

Do no believe I have ever hear of an 80 series siren. They made sirens in Types and Series.
Class Sirens were in series C. 60, 70, Q
Type were A B E D L V W, 8

About 1950 Everything became a Class even the E, W and V.

Some of the series variations had names such as Taffik-King was a class 60 with accessories.

Do you have anything showing there was and 80?
Do no believe I have ever hear of an 80 series siren. They made sirens in Types and Series.
Class Sirens were in series C. 60, 70, Q
Type were A B E D L V W, 8

About 1950 Everything became a Class even the E, W and V.

Some of the series variations had names such as Taffik-King was a class 60 with accessories.

Do you have anything showing there was and 80?

This thread, first post. Federal Model 85 Doubletone, 195x.
Public Safety Equipment was the manufacturer, they are now ECCO Safety Group. Code 3 was initial product line for their lights and sirens. The Code 3 emergency lights originally used sealed beam bulbs. When PSE introduced models with independently driven rotating parabolic mirrors with halogen bulbs, the designation Force 4 was created to differentiate these models from the sealed beam models. The earliest versions of the Force 4 line did not have the Force 4 name, but still used the Code 3 name. I hope that helps to clarify some muddy water.

Yes that does, thank you. Confusing when a company has subdivisions within its products of the same industry.

Never heard of an 85 doubletone, the double was the 77. Maybe a typo?

Very weird, I have the full date of 1951 which suggests I had some fairly substantial information on it. When I'm guessing I just list the assumed decade with an x for the year. I've taken information from here and there.

Listed the same year as the Q, perhaps a short lived update of the 77 related to the mechanics of the Q?

Also quite possible I goofed, it is a long list and in many cases I'm just collating information from many sources. Also a lot of copy paste moving things around as I get better info. Also possibly a siren from another vendor and I accidentally slapped Federal on there instead of the correct brand?
Whelen Rota-Beam Model 66 came out in 1961
The first automotive Rota-Beam in 1956 was a Model RB10
The first Whelen Rota-Beam light made was an aircraft anit-collision light in 1952
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I have a few that i would love to know the year, that I couldn't find in this thread:

- FedSig Arjent SL
- Whelen AdvantEdge
- FedSig Vision SL
- Yankee Dietz lightbar
- Star Warning System Star Bar
- Rontan Winglux
- Whelen 90H
- Star Aerostar

Any help would be appreciated!!
How I can find out the production date of Unity RV25 and RV45?
I have a RV45 in really good shape with a small motor with a sticker "made in Taiwan" and #50735741.
And a RV25 with the big flat sided motor known from FedSig beacons.
So a little more nosing around on the McDermott it appears there is a Model 806 UP for "chiefs cars", a Model 806P for larger vehicles and a Model 812. Also available in 6 and 12 volt (perhaps the 806 and 812 refers to voltage?).

I found a reference to a trademark claim for Circlebeam by JA McDermott dated 1950. I always thought these slightly predated the Federal 17, but 1950 is the earliest reference I can find. The NY Fire patrol started using this light when they got a batch of 1949/50 Ford salvage trucks, and were still using them on a 1956 Dodge utility. It appears they didn't move to a rotating beacon until 1960-61.

McDermott also offered a can light, anyone have info on these? Date, model # etc.
You can call McDermott in NY City and talk to the founders son.
This seems like the right spot for this, but if there is another let me know.

This is a timeline I've put together over a number of years from a variety of sources (this site being one). I thought some might appreciate it, and also hoping to grow it further. I think I've got most of the big ones, hoping maybe some with interests in the "others" might furnish the dates for their particular favorites. I started this list as a model builder, nothing is more jarring to me then seeing a nice Model T pumper with a Twinsonic. :eek:

Where I have found a general date, but not specific year of introduction I've provided the date as far as known, with an X for the unknown. So if I know a siren was introduced in the 1940s, but don't know the exact year, I have it listed as 194x.

I've listed them by name as well as possible, but may not always have the complete nomenclature. A good example being the roof mounted 4 way flashing beacon J.A. McDermott offered a few years before Federal brought out their Model 17 revolving beacon ray. I don't know of a designation for the 4 way flasher other than J.A. McDermott Beacon.

There is equipment which is not addressed, traffic advisors, Opticoms, traffic / intersection lights (other than the Mars lights) and speakers for electronic sirens being obvious omissions. Also major changes to existing lights, like the all light versions of existing lightbars that most manufacturers began to offer around 1990. Happy to add these things just never got there.

In some cases manufacturers re-badge another light. Where this is the case I can add a note to that effect (I don't think S&W actually built any lights, but I have some on the list).

I can update the list in the first post as new information is provided.

Thanks and hope this is a worthwhile addition.

Also a big thanks to those who have provided historical information in their posts and those who have uploaded catalogs, ads etc, that has been a great help to me when putting this together.

Warning lights and beacons

Buck Eye Iron & Brass Works Roto-Ray – 1928
Whiting Warning Light – 1928
Akron Brass Akr-O-Lite – 1934
Mars FL – 1936
Carpenter Master Light – 1937
Sterling Oscilite - 1937
Buckeye Iron & Brass Works Moto-Ray - 1938
Mars FL8 – 194x
Federal Model 17 Beacon Ray – 1948
Trio “Platter” light – 1948
Federal Propello Ray – 1949
Federal Model 173 Beacon Ray – 1955
Griffin Model 360 "beehive" – 1950
J.A. McDermott Circle-Beam – 1950
Mars DX – 195x
Mars DX-40 – 195x
S&M 757 “can” light – 1951
S&M 747 “can” light – 1951
SirenO Saf-T-Ray No. 19 – 1951
SirenO Saf-T-Ray No. 37N – 1951
Federal BR2 Scatter Ray "beehive" – 1952
SirenO No. 192 Revolvo Ray – 1954
Trio T2 “can” light – 1954
Whelen Rota-Beam – 1955
Whelen Rota-Beam RB-11 (motorcycle light) - 1956
Federal Model FB-1/2 Fireball – 1956
SirenO No. 194 Revolvo Ray - Atomic Rocket series – 1957
Federal Model 15 Junior Beacon Ray – 1958
Federal Model 171 Beacon Ray (Improved Model 17) – 1958
Federal Model 174 Beacon Ray – 1958
SirenO Model 199 Sky-Lighter – 1958
Dietz Model 211 – 1959
Federal Model FB-F Flashball – 1960
Federal Sola-Ray – 1960
Whelen Rota-Beam Senior – 1960
Sireno MC-2 "can" light - 196x
Federal Model 175 Strat-o-ray “hill light” – 1961
Federal Model 176 Strat-o-ray “hill light” – 1961
Dietz Model 261 Junior – 1962
Federal Model 121 Vita-Lite – 1962
Dietz Model 211WW “Wig wag” - 1963
Dietz Model 235 PA light – 1963
Dietz Model 235 PA light “wig wag” – 1963
Federal Model 14 – 1963
Federal Model 184 Power Light - 1963
Federal CJ184 PA Light – 1963
Dietz Model 230 (rebadged Federal Model 14) – 1964
Dietz Model 245 (rebadged Federal Model 121) – 1964
Unity RV-15 – 1965
Unity RV-25 – 1965
Dietz Model 240 – 1966
Dietz Model 245 – 1966
Dietz Model 255 (rebadged Unity RV-15) – 1966
Whelen Rota-Beam Corporal – 1966
Federal Model 044 – 1967
Federal Model 143 – 1967
Federal Model 144 – 1967
Federal Model 312 Titan – 1968
Sireno Revolvo Ray Speaker Light – 1968
Mars 888 – 1969
Dietz Model 7-40 (renumbering of Model 240) – 1970
Dietz Model 7-61 (renumbering of Model 261) – 1970
Dietz Model 7-110 – 1970
Dietz Model 7-116 “hill light” – 1970
Mars Skybolt – 1971
Dietz Model 7-430 strobe – 1973
Whelen Model 5000 Commander Strobe – 1974
Whelen Model 5000 PA – 1974
Whelen Model 88 – 197x
Whelen Model 88 PA – 197x
Whelen Model 883 - 197x
Whelen Model 883 PA - 197x
Whelen Model 884 - 197x
Whelen Model 884 PA - 197x
Federal Model FB-11/12 Fireball 2 – 1976
Sireno 44660 – 1976
Federal Model FB(H)-11/12 Super Fireball – 1978
S&W 236 beacon (2 bulb) - 1978
S&W 436 beacon (4 bulb) - 1978
Dietz Model 7-11 – 1980
Federal Model FB-2 Fireball II – 1982
Federal Model 16 Visilite – 1982

Light Bars

Federal Model 11 Twin Beacon Ray / Visibar – 1963
Mars Aurora Borealis – 1964
J.A. McDermott Multi-level lights "High Rise" – 1966
Federal Model 12 Twin Sonic – 1967
Unity Unirack – 196x
Whelen Cross Bar – 196x
Federal Model 12X Twin Sonic – 1972
Federal Model 12 CTS Twin Sonic – 1973
Dietz Model 911 – 1973
Code 3 2200 – 1974
Dietz Omni-Chief – 1974
Federal Model 12S Twin Sonic – 1974
Federal Model 12E Twin Sonic – 1974
Federal Model 12F Twin Sonic – 1975
Code 3 SD – 1976
Whelen Model 6000 – 1976
Federal Model 12M Twin Sonic – 1977
Federal Model 24 Aerodynic – 1977
Whelen Responder – 1977
S&W 8700 light bar – 1978
Whelen Model 8000 – 1978
Code 3 XL-9000 – 1979
Federal Model 24 AeroTwinsonic – 1979
Code 3 SD-4100 – 1982
Code 3 SD-4200 – 1982
Code 3 XL-5000 – 1982
Code 3 XL-5000 – 1982
Federal Model 22 Mini Aerodynic – 1982
Federal Model JS-1 Jetsonic – 1983
Code 3 LP 6000 – 1983
Whelen Model 9000 – 1983
Federal Model 25 Aerodynic All Light – 1984
Federal Streethawk – 1986
Federal Model JET Jetsonic – 1987
Code 3 MX 7000 – 1988
Federal Jetstream – 1989
Federal Model AD-4800 / 5200 Aerodynic – 1990
Federal Model ADL Aerodynic – 1992
Federal Jetstrobe – 1992
Federal Vector – 1992
Federal Firehawk – 1993
Federal Streethawk All Light – 1993
Federal Vision – 199x
Code 3 Excalibur – 1996
Federal Vista – 1996
Federal Fire / Streethawk 80” – 1997
Whelen LED – 2000
Code 3 2100 – 2001
Code 3 Javelin – 2003
Code 3 Wingman – 2005
Federal Model ADX Solaris LED – 2005
Federal Model 22 ADX Solaris LED – 2005
Federal Jetsolaris LED – 2005
Code 3 XF 2300 – 2006
Code 3 RX 2700 – 2007
Federal Jetstream LED – 2007
Code 3 Defender - 2009
Code 3 Solex - 2013
Code 3 Pursuit – 2016

Electro-mechanical sirens

SirenO – 1907
SirenO Junior – 1909
SirenO Midget – 1910
SirenO Cyclephone – 1910 (for motorcycles)
SirenO No. 3 – 1911
SirenO No. 5 – 1911
SirenO No. 7 – 1922
SirenO No. 11 – 1922
B&M Siro-Drift – 193x
B&M Big Chief – 193x
CAM Model 104 – 193x
Federal Model 17 – 193x
Federal Model 24 – 193x
Federal Model 28 – 193x
Federal Model 35 – 193x
Federal Model 45 – 193x
Federal Model 53 – 193x
Federal Model 66 – 193x
Federal Model 77 – 193x
Federal XL – 193x
Federal WL – 193x
Federal Z – 193x
SirenO M1 – 1936
SirenO ED – 1936
SirenO ED-1 – 1936
SirenO Type 51 – 1936
Sterling Model 20 – 193x
Sterling Model 30 – 193x
Federal Traffik-King - 1939
SirenO No. 94 - For Higgins PT Boat – 1942
Federal C5 – 1946
Sireno R1 – 1946
Sireno R2 – 1946
Sireno R3 – 1946
Sireno R4 – 1946
Sireno R5 – 1946
Sireno R5R – 1946
Sireno ED-2 – 1946
Federal C6 – 194x
B&M Super Chief – 194x
Federal Model 85 Doubletone – 1951
Federal Q – 1951
Sireno Ford-F1 – 1951
Atomic Rocket No. Rj-1-8 - 1957
Atomic Rocket No. Sj-8 - 1957
Atomic Rocket ED-12 - 1957
Federal Pulsator – 1963
SirenO RJ-1-8 – 1966 (est)

Electronic sirens

Federal PA-1 – 1958
Federal PA-2 – 1958
Federal PA-5 – 1960
Federal PA-10 – 1960
Federal PA-15 – 1963
Federal PA-20 – 1962
SirenO introduces electronic sirens – 1966
Federal PA-15A - 1967
Federal PA-20A - 1967
Federal PA-70 – 1973
Federal PA-100 – 1973
Federal PA-200 – 1974
General Electric SA Power Call / Siren - 1974
Federal PA-300 – 1983
Federal PA-1000 – 1974
I have a couple of updates for the Sireno timelines.
Mechanical Sirens
SirenO - 1907
SirenO Junior - 1909
SirenO Midget - 1910
Sireno Cyclephone - 1910 (for motorcycles)
Sireno No. 3 - 1911
Sireno No. 5- 1911
Sireno No. 7 - 1922
Sireno No. 11- 1922
Sireno M1 - 1936
Type ED - 1936
Type ED-1 - 1936
Type 51 - 1936
No. 94 - For Higgins PT Boat - 1942
Sireno R1 - 1946
Sireno R2 - 1946
Sireno R3 - 1946
Sireno R4 - 1946
Sireno R5 - 1946
Sireno R5R - 1946
Sireno ED-2 - 1946
Sireno Ford-F1 - 1951
Atomic Rocket No. Rj-1-8 - 1957
Atomic Rocket No. Sj-8 - 1957
Atomic Rocket ED-12 - 1957
RJ-1-8 About 1966

Saf-T-Ray No. 19 1951
Saf-T-Ray NO. 37N - 1951
Sireno No. 192 - Revolvo Ray - 1954
Sireno Model 199 Sky-LIghter - 1958
Sireno N. 194 - Revolvo Ray - Atomic Rocket series - 1957
1966 - launches electronic sirens and speakers
Sireno Revolvo Ray Speaker Light - 1968
Sireno Sky-Lighter Speaker Light - 1968
Sireno Gyro Ray Speaker Light - 1968
Sireno 44660 - 1976
Aaron can we chat sometime? I have a few questions?
Edge timeline threads (yes edge stuff is tacked on the 90h link too)


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