Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Man, those blacked out wheels are neat. Those guys must be the real deal if they have a police package pick up.
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kd0giz said:
Two idiots in a Ford GT....

Also being stupid in Florida. Only this time, dee-dee-dee driver is busted on dashcam :haha: .

If you want to save time, skip to 1:55 for dashcam footage:

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HILO said:
Man, those blacked out wheels are neat. Those guys must be the real deal if they have a police package pick up.

My 1998 F250 (same bodystyle as that 150) has the same blacked out rims with chrome center cap (mine is 7 stud) those are factory, no whacker painted just to clarify! lol

But I have to admit, whackerness aside from that ford, it does look pretty clean and professional, we dont get people like that around here so its a new sight for me.
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Nobody has really explained what "Pioneer Control Officers" are yet, either. Bueler?

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Holy Crap! It's Reno 411! :dielaugh:
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fedsig7 said:

There's some guys on Youtube that make EXCELLENT lightbars for model and R/C cars. unfortuinately most guys don't sell them or make 1/10 scale bars. I want a bar for my 1/10 Ford GT body that's on my nitro car :D
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That always bugs me when people dont buy the right kinda grille guard for their vehicle.

I just wanna ask em... you do realize that it looks completey fucking stupid?

that and when you see people with stickers on the rear window that are obviously crooked or off center.. I mean shit people did you slap it on there and just not give 2 shits about ho wit looks? I mean you obviously felt strongly enough about something to buy the sticker and put it on the car but not strongly enough to put it on there straight?
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Saw this guy on the freeway last night and captured it with my dashcam. They have a whole fleet of these cars and you can see what they look like from their home page. Let me say I was the only person that passed him after he slowed down seeing me. I was in my SSV Tahoe that looks nothing more then a Z71 with a Ranchhand grill guard and dual spotlights.

Home Page


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cory y said:

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaa:dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh:

The minute any rent-a-cop tries this, I see them on their ass, or sued (the searching part). You're not a cop, therefor, have not legal right to be searching or consent searching. And you can't force anyone to do shit!!!!
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So I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but we saw this somewhere on the way from Rochester NY to Toledo OH.


I said right away to my girlfriend "Take a picture! This needs to get posted as soon as we get home"
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i was talking to one of my fellow club members about this pic the other day.

i came up with an acronym to go with SHIT

Severe Hail Intercept Team / Severe Tornado Observation & Reconosance Mobile

you to can be a SHIT/STORM volunteer. we are looking for new members to join our SHIT/STORM team.

when things go bad you might see a SHIT /STORM coming your way. be careful around our SHIT/STORMs because they have materials in them that may not be suitable for the general public. :bonk:
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K9Vic said:
Saw this guy on the freeway last night and captured it with my dashcam. They have a whole fleet of these cars and you can see what they look like from their home page. Let me say I was the only person that passed him after he slowed down seeing me. I was in my SSV Tahoe that looks nothing more then a Z71 with a Ranchhand grill guard and dual spotlights.

As bold, and as overly decorated as those Dodge Chargers are, they surprisingly don't appear to have any "emergency lights" at all. At least they didn't throw LED lights all over the car.
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rwo978 said:
Bwwwwwwaaaaaaa:dielaugh: :dielaugh: :dielaugh:

The minute any rent-a-cop tries this, I see them on their ass, or sued (the searching part). You're not a cop, therefor, have not legal right to be searching or consent searching. And you can't force anyone to do shit!!!!

Unless I'm mistaken, it's might actually be kosher the way it's written. That is to say, they aren't stopping you outside in a public's along the lines of a mall. Technically, if you want to be there, property management (and their direct delegates) are permitted to search your bag if you wish to remain there, otherwise you have the right to refuse.

Without knowing where the photo was taken, it's hard to know the context of the posting.
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Here's one. He says his vehicle is used mainly for roadside assistance and storm spotting (even though he admits to not having done storm spotting yet):

:bonk: :hopeless: :duh: :dielaugh:
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BigDogg795 said:
Unless I'm mistaken, it's might actually be kosher the way it's written. That is to say, they aren't stopping you outside in a public's along the lines of a mall. Technically, if you want to be there, property management (and their direct delegates) are permitted to search your bag if you wish to remain there, otherwise you have the right to refuse.

Without knowing where the photo was taken, it's hard to know the context of the posting.

There are a great many private properties in TX that enforce admittance & search rules. Many are defense contractors and energy companies. Entry to rules are set by the property owner/tenant. Private property searches on private property are valid. There are even private subdivisions whose security officers (not police) have legal citation authority and run traffic enforcement in their developments. That said, if you don't want to be subject to the rules, don't enter.

Note: I am not a fan of the legislation that permits subdivisions to enter into law enforcement by special agreements. (I detest it). I do support (mostly) private property owners/tenants to regulate their property as they see appropriate.
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We have NUMEROUS private communities up in the Poconos that fall into this category. They have private security (some even use the words "Public Safety" and "Police" on the vehicles, which is legal if they meet a certain state criteria) and though there are some backwards wanna-be outfits, there are several that have better and more professional departments that some local PDs. I know of one in particular that covers almost 30 square miles and has a department roster of 40 officers and supervisors. Their station is state of the art with a holding facility, PBT testing area, etc. They have the ability to run J-Net and the fleet makes most departments around here envious because they vehicles are changed out every 3 years or so. Funny thing is, a lot of the local PD guys work part time in this community.
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CrownVic97 said:
I had these "gems" presented on the old ELB whacker thread....because they really don't belong in this particular task (only in the minds of their owners) and degrade the car's integrity.

Presenting the top 3 CVPI "storm chaser" cars...:roll: (that I've found at least):


YouTube - DPNF Skywarn Vehicle using Delta III Lights in High Definition


A MINIBAR in the back window!?!?!? Can any one say, GHETTO! lol
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KD8GPM said:
Hey guys. Check out my new ride. HAHAHAHAHA :hahano: :hahano:

View attachment 9443

Fresh from the photo collection of Metro React's Finest -
Looks like they got attention they didn't want:

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What the hell is it with all the wannabe security companies out it Texas??
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I have pulled over those "PATROL" units before but the one i pulled over did not have a lightbar it only had hideaway strobes. Guy was speeding
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Station 3 said:
I have pulled over those "PATROL" units before but the one i pulled over did not have a lightbar it only had hideaway strobes. Guy was speeding

Why dont you know? He had some very important security business to attend to that just could not wait. :haha:
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