Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

The back wasn't too bad, but WOW, that front!
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I see an opportunity for JDI to make tire lights. They mount in the treads and shine forward as your drive for ultra-low level lighting.
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That's the point of this thread....:)
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Is it me or does the Freedom heads look the same color as the truck?
Well it looks pretty weak. Really not a fan of the current gen liberties, legacy's, or freedoms. Whelen screwed with the optics and they just don't have the punch any more and the colors aren't as intense.
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the double walmart rotators on that security are about right... not really whackerish LOL
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i use it to get groceries and stuff...

hand cuffs on rear view mirror

grill lights

scanner antenna

cb antenna

added a dash cam
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oy... more STL junk.

This one really doesn't make sense, they put up the cash for the Fusion rocker panels, but kept the dim STL stuff. Also... split-fail. And, why wig-wag the headlight rings?
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i use it to get groceries and stuff...

hand cuffs on rear view mirror

grill lights

scanner antenna

cb antenna

added a dash cam
F'ing. Wow. The dumb hurts my brain....:confused:
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oy... more STL junk.

This one really doesn't make sense, they put up the cash for the Fusion rocker panels, but kept the dim STL stuff. Also... split-fail. And, why wig-wag the headlight rings?
How can you mix names like Whelen and Feniex with SPEEDTECH?!?! It's like wiping before you poop... it doesn't make sense!!.... one rule if any, that anyone upfiting a vehicle should follow is to keep with one manufacturer for all lights or the same manufacturer facing the same direction... drives me nuts to see a nice vehicle done with bargain basement brand lights.........
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How can you mix names like Whelen and Feniex with SPEEDTECH?!?! It's like wiping before you poop... it doesn't make sense!!.... one rule if any, that anyone upfiting a vehicle should follow is to keep with one manufacturer for all lights or the same manufacturer facing the same direction... drives me nuts to see a nice vehicle done with bargain basement brand lights.........

Not defending speed tech here i hate them too... BUT they are bright for what they are to me the only thing that sets them apart is the warranty. Whelen lights are horrible at failure they fail so much if it was not for the warranty i would not buy those lights at all and would laugh at anyone for buying those things. Our agency went from Federal to Whelen and the fail rate on the light heads on a fresh install is horrible... Why are light heads failing on a brand new patrol car within 8 months or less of install i have a brand new 2016 charger in our fleet with 2 TRI color Ions already fail half of the red is burned out and on the interior inner edge micro some of the blue already burned out.. also the mirror lights with the puddle light and flood combo guess what.. burned out also. And its a Whelen build... if it were not for the warranty i would say that company is trash as well and compare it to speed tech any day. But the warranty is what saves the day. just my .2
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Not defending speed tech here i hate them too... BUT they are bright for what they are to me the only thing that sets them apart is the warranty. Whelen lights are horrible at failure they fail so much if it was not for the warranty i would not buy those lights at all and would laugh at anyone for buying those things. Our agency went from Federal to Whelen and the fail rate on the light heads on a fresh install is horrible... Why are light heads failing on a brand new patrol car within 8 months or less of install i have a brand new 2016 charger in our fleet with 2 TRI color Ions already fail half of the red is burned out and on the interior inner edge micro some of the blue already burned out.. also the mirror lights with the puddle light and flood combo guess what.. burned out also. And its a Whelen build... if it were not for the warranty i would say that company is trash as well and compare it to speed tech any day. But the warranty is what saves the day. just my .2
Very well put sir. I totally agree with you. In our shop we tend to lean toward Feniex and Brooking products. Both have the best customer service and quick response to issues(which rarely occur) brand new equipment should not be failing tht quickly without an explanation... knock on wood, I m proud to say in 10 years, I have not had a workman ship defect related failure... an I can't recall a equipment related failure come back once yet..
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I like the way the STLs twinkle. Sort of a fairy car.
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Well it looks pretty weak. Really not a fan of the current gen liberties, legacy's, or freedoms. Whelen screwed with the optics and they just don't have the punch any more and the colors aren't as intense.

I dunno, our Chief's have the brand new Legacies and things are blinding during the day or night.

My favorite is still the FS Vision SLR though.

But pinwheels... I just don't get the idea behind the flash pattern, vehicles with those flashpatterns looks less like emergency vehicles and more like whacky clown cars.
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Reminds me of that line in super troopers. "I'll believe that when me sh*t turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert."
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Security in TX can use red and blue?

but its all clear and white to the front for when he needs attention...
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more creamy goodness from same user...

sounds like he's pre pubescent.... this mustve been ride before the escape...

has handicap tags

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Security in TX can use red and blue?

but its all clear and white to the front for when he needs attention...

Is it just me or is a full 4200 excessive for 5 lightheads...

more creamy goodness from same user...

sounds like he's pre pubescent.... this mustve been ride before the escape...

has handicap tags

appropriate use of the 4200...but... just... why?
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I wish I got a video of it, but the other day I heard a really weird siren (like a chinese knock off siren), and I look behind me and some guy with amber, purple and white lights is trying to clear the intersection....
He was in one of those Ford trucks that have a cream colored bottom half and white top half, and had surface mount lights all over his vehicle.
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Here's an install/response from some EMS something in Thailand

This has gotta win some sort of all time prize

I swear to god that Thailand has some of the biggest whackers known to man kind.... Like they really love lights and they know what they are talking about... Like this video for example the guy has a fricken unitrol and a Q IN THAILAND!!!
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I just went through the entire "Whacker or Screwed Up Install" thread and cannot believe how many private security firms there are in TX that use white or black & white police package Crown Vics with full Blue lightbars and even sirens. All 50 states really should make it illegal for private security patrols to use Red or Blue flashing lights on their vehicles and I can't understand why police departments in TX allow private security guards to drive vehicles equipped with Blue lights since it apparently is illegal for non-emergency vehicles (excluding school buses or tow trucks) to use Red or Blue flashing lights of any type according to sect. 547.305 of the TX Transportation Code. I have no problem with TxDOT and other government agencies in Texas using Blue & Amber flashing lights on their highway\roadside maintenance vehicles because they have a legitimate reason to use such lights and are in no way attempting to impersonate a law enforcement officer. However these security clowns from TX Pioneer "Control" (and other security companies) who are driving vehicles with Blue flashing lights, posing for the cameras with long guns or making Youtube videos showing them in swat team like gear complete with masks are doing everything that they can to make members of the general public think they are cops. Why else would you be driving a white or black & white CVPI with a Blue strobe lightbar that says PATROL in huge lettering on the side?
I totally agree with you on this...Here in Boston,MA, even the most whacktastic whacker wouldn't dare attempt to run anything other than amber without a permit. We do upfits for a couple of security company's, they buy police package vehicles and we put an amber light bar, air horn only, and whatever radio equipment they need... that's it... anything other than amber without a permit in this state will get you locked up.
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Haha I would love to see him take his little video camera and make a video of him in that car, with the lights in it, drive down to the courthouse, Sheriff's Office, State Police Post, and City Police Dept., and have REAL officers inspect that vehicle.....
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