Official "Whacker" or "Screwed Up Install" Thread

Don't know much about HAM radio, but they make them that can receive TV signals?! At least he has that going for him....
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It looks like the car was taken out of service, striped, and he got it and put his radios in. No detail job, nothing! You can see where the dirt and grime were left behind from the lightbar feet!
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It's the fear of going crazy and doing crap like this that keeps me from getting an ameature license
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i took this picture of a "wide load escort" last year and just now got it loaded.

its at a little ceaser's pizza.

If you look real close your see a minbar in front of the fullsize bar.
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Not my picture, found it on Facebook, but I had to share. I can only imagine what in the hell the switch operates!

hilbilly shit.jpg

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Bigassfireman said:
Not my picture, found it on Facebook, but I had to share. I can only imagine what in the hell the switch operates!
View attachment 5577

Someone I work with has this setup to control his blower. The wire goes loosely into a fuse. He also has a milk crate in his engine compartment with oil and tools in it. I tried to warn him but he is kinda stubborn...
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Can someone explain the the point in HAM RADIO is what do you get out of it and why does some one need those radios when he is "mobile" do they serve a point or are they just for weird people to communicate with each other? is it like back in the 70s when CB radios where the in thing? Fill me in here i really want to know this mystery
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Station 3 said:
Can someone explain the the point in HAM RADIO is what do you get out of it and why does some one need those radios when he is "mobile" do they serve a point or are they just for weird people to communicate with each other? is it like back in the 70s when CB radios where the in thing? Fill me in here i really want to know this mystery
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Station 3 said:
Can someone explain the the point in HAM RADIO is what do you get out of it and why does some one need those radios when he is "mobile" do they serve a point or are they just for weird people to communicate with each other? is it like back in the 70s when CB radios where the in thing? Fill me in here i really want to know this mystery

CB's were more of a functional thing, and still pretty much are. If you have a legal rig, you're really only reaching 5 miles away. Cars used to have them in the day for family roadtrips or whatever if you're stranded or lost, someone could help you (sidenote: this is how REACT teams came to be). Now, with cell phones and GPS's and such, there's no real need for them. Truckers still use them to keep entertained, and also for traffic reports and "bear sightings", but as far as anyone else, it's kinda pointless (as is REACT now....)

HAM is a whole different animal. For most people, it's merely a hobby, much like emergency equipment is for many of us. If you have the right equipment and knowledge, you can talk to people all around the world. A lot of it is the challenge. Many see how many different callsigns they can talk to, how far away they can get, see if they can bounce their signal off a satellite for the few minutes it's passing by overhead, etc.

However, just like CB, it does have a functional side. ARES/RACES would essentially set up a communications network in the event of a natural disaster that takes out the ones we're used to. They're the "big boys" compared to REACT teams, and for the most part don't turn into whackers, lol....

I'd love to get into HAM, but right now I've got too much other stuff going on to worry about that, lol....
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Rofocowboy84 said:
CB's were more of a functional thing, and still pretty much are. If you have a legal rig, you're really only reaching 5 miles away. Cars used to have them in the day for family roadtrips or whatever if you're stranded or lost, someone could help you (sidenote: this is how REACT teams came to be). Now, with cell phones and GPS's and such, there's no real need for them. Truckers still use them to keep entertained, and also for traffic reports and "bear sightings", but as far as anyone else, it's kinda pointless (as is REACT now....)

HAM is a whole different animal. For most people, it's merely a hobby, much like emergency equipment is for many of us. If you have the right equipment and knowledge, you can talk to people all around the world. A lot of it is the challenge. Many see how many different callsigns they can talk to, how far away they can get, see if they can bounce their signal off a satellite for the few minutes it's passing by overhead, etc.

However, just like CB, it does have a functional side. ARES/RACES would essentially set up a communications network in the event of a natural disaster that takes out the ones we're used to. They're the "big boys" compared to REACT teams, and for the most part don't turn into whackers, lol....

I'd love to get into HAM, but right now I've got too much other stuff going on to worry about that, lol....

Well said!
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Thanks for explaining that to me down here we dont have HAM people i think im one of the only light wackers around in the area i only know of like 3 other people that are freaks like me lol.
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Station 3 said:
Thanks for explaining that to me down here we dont have HAM people i think im one of the only light wackers around in the area i only know of like 3 other people that are freaks like me lol.

I think you would be surprised how many ham operators live in your area. They're not all old men with towers at their houses and 14 antennas on their car. There's somewhere around 675,000 operators in the US alone, and 3 million worldwide.

I just pulled up a map of "APRS", which is not very widely used by HAM's, compared to how many operators there are, and there were 15 stations just in your town.
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Complete with an installation guide. This guy put a lot of effort into this, unfortunately.

It's too bad, with the money he spent on all of those, I'm sure he could have gotten a few grille lights or a warning bar for about the same amount or just a little more. :/
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Makes me want to grab my calculator watch and my pocket protector and get to work making one myself! I wonder if he could make me one?

My favorite part is the superglue and the butt connectors. That and his awesome dweeby geek voice. Probably has braces and everything...
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you just gotta wonder about some of these people... They buy these lights and are sooo proud of them... Only to be sadly dissapointed when they get shown a FS, C3, W or Tomar light.

and the worse part... a single teardrop rotator will easily outshine these "led strobes"
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tom said:
It's too bad, with the money he spent on all of those, I'm sure he could have gotten a few grille lights or a warning bar for about the same amount or just a little more. :/

I don't know, you can get those off e-bay for less than 20 bucks shipped usually. I agree though he could have gotten some real lights for a bit more though.... that said, I doubt his wiring would have been any better. :p
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That's the most craptacular thing I've seen all day, but my day is just getting started so there's still time for more entries. :bonk:

Those LED "strobes" might be ok at night, but I'd wager they are barely visible during the day. All that work, all that money, and the outcome is poor at best. :bonk:
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WhiteLite03 said:
I don't know, you can get those off e-bay for less than 20 bucks shipped usually. I agree though he could have gotten some real lights for a bit more though.... that said, I doubt his wiring would have been any better. :p

When I was 16, I wanted to see if I could wire up some strobes to my car so I found the cheapest strobes I could. I got 2 of the bigger square ones he had and it cost me $13 shipped. It was a fun and inexpensive way to learn how to wire etc. When I was looking at them, the 6x22 lights he was getting were going for like $30-40 I think, and the 6x3 for probably around $20-30.

I'm now 18 and have Whelen and SNM products in my car. I've seen first hand what the differences between output were. In the end it wasn't a bad experience because I ended up selling the lights for $20, $7 more than what I spent :D
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I like how in the first vid he said he used a "exixting hole" to run all his wires... Looked like it was a rust hole to me... HAHA
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Didn't I hear him say he uses the amber ones when he is parked on the side of the road doing "power line work"???? After seeing that wiring job, he better stay away from power lines!
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K9Vic said:
Wow, this is a fire hazard with that blue wire near the end and not to mention the factory flashers are probably 10x brighter.

I'll give this kid credit... I could watch this all day. As I watch, I catch myself saying, "did he really... is he gonna... did he just... there's no way he would..." and then he does it! You gotta love his sincerity and dedication to his project.

Might as well add in his 3rd wiring job, but on his fog lights. Still, not a fuse in sight.
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I don't know the first thing about installs, and that was horrific to me. If it looks like that to me, that's got to make all the pros on here have a head-spinning episode or something. :hopeless:
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This sure isn't whacktastic at all.

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^ Ummm....yeah....that certainly isn't whackerific at all :crazy: :weird: :crazy: :weird: :crazy: :weird: :crazy: ..... ;) :D .^

It's a civilian Crown Vic too...just as dumb as a CVPI being whackerfied, if not more :haha: .
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A local "snow remover" If there is a chance of snow, this guy is lit up and driving around. He wears his blaze orange, or "High Vis" uniform, and it is usually 2 or 3 people that do more driving around with all the lights on than anything.

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