Official Response video thread is now a subsection!

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nightwolf said:
you have red lights right? pretty sure you went through a red light, are you technically allowed to without a siren?

Yes, I have "red lights" in my truck. And yes, I did go through a stop light around 2:27 in the video. No, we're not permitted to do that and, in fact, it's a bad habit that many people have...especially when following behind an apparatus. It wasn't my brightest moment when I realized where the engine was going. Yes, I messed up on that one.
vonirkinshtine said:
Yes, I have "red lights" in my truck. And yes, I did go through a stop light around 2:27 in the video. No, we're not permitted to do that and, in fact, it's a bad habit that many people have...especially when following behind an apparatus. It wasn't my brightest moment when I realized where the engine was going. Yes, I messed up on that one.

Well I commend you on "fessing up" when you were approached about it. It shows responsibility. Instead of going off on "it's common around here blah blah blah.." Good job. The only thing I will say is PLEASE be more careful!! I would hate to hear of anything bad happening to anyone here due to a not so bright moment.

Is NC a courtesy light state?
vonirkinshtine said:
Yes, I have "red lights" in my truck. And yes, I did go through a stop light around 2:27 in the video. No, we're not permitted to do that and, in fact, it's a bad habit that many people have...especially when following behind an apparatus. It wasn't my brightest moment when I realized where the engine was going. Yes, I messed up on that one.

what's up with the Camero between you and the engine?


2002 ford explorer 1 smartsiren 1 whellen 295sla1 running mechanical tone 2 grover 1510 air horns 4 100 watt speakers
Fluffy126577 said:
Well I commend you on "fessing up" when you were approached about it. It shows responsibility. Instead of going off on "it's common around here blah blah blah.." Good job. The only thing I will say is PLEASE be more careful!! I would hate to hear of anything bad happening to anyone here due to a not so bright moment.

Is NC a courtesy light state?

I know what happens when people get defensive around here, lol. I've learned all too well (here and in the "real world") that it's WAY easier to just fess up. The whoopin' isn't nearly as bad then if you try and hide it or cover it up.

Yes, NC is a courtesy light state (chiefs can run sirens).

rwo978 said:
what's up with the Camero between you and the engine?

The Camero was another one of our members.
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