OFFICIAL New ECTO-1 Reboot Discussion Thread

The movie was better than I expected. It was "homely" even with the PC stuff...

They never really used all the lights..

Some of the stuff in the trailers aren't in the movie.

Cameo at the end was great. There are 2 cut scenes in the end. Stay for both... Hints at another...
just got home from seein it

man that hit me alot harder than i thought: very beautifully done. well worth the wait, not just the wait since it was supposed to be released 2 years ago, but the wait since GB2

and thats all i have to say about the, lest i spoil it for anyone else

The only gripe I got with the Ecto-1 in the newest film is that they couldn't source another 48" Force 4 XL for the front like they did for the rear? I mean...the internet can provide if they needed it, lol

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