Mystery Brand / Store ... the OutletPSE speculation thread

I'd have to say I agree with saying this is brilliant. I can't wait to see what they are selling. I know I'm in the market for a new interior lightbar. :D
There is no such thing as bad publicity. So keep in mind that those who seem the most butthurt may be rotfl in butthurt clothing.

Reexamine the interested parties...
I believe that I was an unintended recipient and included by accident in the confidential message sent to several frequenters of ELB chat.

Here it is in its entirety:


Aku enggan untuk mengatakan bahwa saya pemilik OutletPSE, tapi meskipun begitu banyak dari Anda sudah menebak sebanyak, aku masih tidak bisa mengakui berada di bermitra dengan Mike (LEDGUY) dalam mendapatkan perusahaan yang baru lahir ini dimulai dan dalam perjalanan ke dominasi pasar dalam bisnis peralatan darurat. Wandi


Disclaimer: I am not in any way currently associated with this OPSE enterprise and nor do I intend to be so in the future.
Retired1 said:
I believe that I was an unintended recipient and included by accident in the confidential message sent to several frequenters of ELB chat.

Here it is in its entirety:


Aku enggan untuk mengatakan bahwa saya pemilik OutletPSE, tapi meskipun begitu banyak dari Anda sudah menebak sebanyak, aku masih tidak bisa mengakui berada di bermitra dengan Mike (LEDGUY) dalam mendapatkan perusahaan yang baru lahir ini dimulai dan dalam perjalanan ke dominasi pasar dalam bisnis peralatan darurat. Wandi


Disclaimer: I am not in any way currently associated with this OPSE enterprise and nor do I intend to be so in the future. an excellent tool.
EMT-BLS said: an excellent tool.

Are you surprised? I think not. Once you saw that I was included in the mailing, you knew it would only be a matter of time before I ran it through the Google translator and deciphered it. It would have been a bit more challenging, had not Wandi's name been included. Deny your involvement all you want to, but........
Retired1 said:
Are you surprised? I think not. Once you saw that I was included in the mailing, you knew it would only be a matter of time before I ran it through the Google translator and deciphered it. It would have been a bit more challenging, had not Wandi's name been included. Deny your involvement all you want to, but........

I hardly needed Wandi's name to be there...Once Google 'sensed' the language to be Indonesian, it didn't take much brainpower to figure it out...

But Jman's getting pissed at me, so I'm going to move on from this topic.
EMT-BLS said:
I hardly needed Wandi's name to be there...Once Google 'sensed' the language to be Indonesian, it didn't take much brainpower to figure it out...

But Jman's getting pissed at me, so I'm going to move on from this topic.

Pissed... no. Surprised that you managed to bring it up YET AGAIN... no. VERY suspicious of you... YES!
I understand totally. I, too, have to be moving on, however I want to leave my thought on the opening video. It is very well done, even if I perceive the music volume to be a bit higher in volume than my personal preference would be.

My compliments to: OutletPSE :: Coming Soon
Ok here's what I know. A guy called me a while back claiming be bought all the rights to the 911ep line and said he was making some changes to the lights that had issues, using newer diodes, and making a bunch of changes and asked if I wanted to work with him. Said he was going to send a confidentiality agreement over then he'd share more with me. Never heard back and nothing ever arrived. Could it be 911ep is back?
Strobesnmore said:
Ok here's what I know. A guy called me a while back claiming be bought all the rights to the 911ep line and said he was making some changes to the lights that had issues, using newer diodes, and making a bunch of changes and asked if I wanted to work with him. Said he was going to send a confidentiality agreement over then he'd share more with me. Never heard back and nothing ever arrived. Could it be 911ep is back?

Good thing he never sent it or you would not have been able to tell us about it. I thought SOS bought out 911ep...... Then again... that could be why SOS is "following" this company on twitter. I've been with them for 8 months and they are not following me (or many other dealers). I wonder if this is why....
bluestinger90 said:
Is this thread stickied at the top? Is that something a sponsor could pay for? Or is it self serving?

Stickied due to popular demand and to create wild speculation....
JohnMarcson said:
Stickied due to popular demand and to create wild speculation....

Hmmmm.... OutletPSE got a a sidebar banner pretty quickly... there is an ELB logo on the OPSE page... Marcson stuck the thread for better visibility...

...are you thinking what I am thinking?
Jman423 said:
Hmmmm.... OutletPSE got a a sidebar banner pretty quickly... there is an ELB logo on the OPSE page... Marcson stuck the thread for better visibility...

...are you thinking what I am thinking?

that Abe is the root of all evil?
Wandi -

Shut up. :D
wonders how long it will take before everybody finds out that outletpse is realy me...
Jarred J. said:
wonders how long it will take before everybody finds out that outletpse is realy me...


EMT-BLS said:
It couldn't be you...they haven't posted 4,000 posts about bacon.

oddly enough I haven't either.... :rolleyes:
They change their words in the website....

Check it out : OutletPSE :: Coming Soon

And they put : WANDI RULES at the end.... LoL:yes:

Thank you OutletPse ....for your kind words....


Come on guys , help me like their Facebook ..... Ur help will be appreciate it ....

ledguy said:
Just want to clarify a few things. The only person I asked for info about this company was you. I was told by a birdy that you were connected to them and just wanted some more details. If you have nothing to do with them, then my mistake.

How did i miss this post?! I'm glad it was pointed out. So all those cheap ass shots you took at Outlet PSE were really just directed at me?

Apparently I missed that shot fired across my bow.

Ok... I got ya... game on.
Jman423 said:
In partnership with eLightbars... OutletPSE has announced a "Give-a-way" contest. Details can be found here:

We could not be happier than to have partnered with and their very professional administrators. Thank you JohnMarcson and Jman423. The guidance, cooperation, and welcoming you have provided shows why this has become the website of choice for emergency vehicle equipment enthusiast.

The staff at Outlet PSE would also like to thank the majority of you who have been supportive and shown interest in our company. We hope we will be able to provide each and everyone of you with a "Extreme Warning, Low Cost" and customer service friendly experience.

ohh look surprising they are from the "southern united states" my state is in the south..... kawickidink?
Well, according to their facebook 'leaked' photo they sell Star SVP products - big deal ! Seems alot of hype over not really that much.... ?
It is about time we make our entry into this thread. First off, many great thanks to Wandi for his avid interest into Outlet PSE. Secondly, because of Wandi's interest here, we have forged a very close working relationship with the Administrators of Jman423 and JohnMarcson have been cordial, supportive, and informative during our learning process with this site. Fortunately, we also have a group of members familiar with this site that have also helped guide us through the process here. The "Light My Ride"© give-a-way was the best way we could figure out how to integrate ourselves with the community and list of approved installers, dealers, and manufacturers.

We know there are a lot of people asking "who" we are. The best reply to this is that we are not a "who" we are more of a "what". We will be releasing more information in the coming weeks when relationships are finalized. We do plan to focus on customer service and cost effectiveness. We have worked closely with and the's approved list of venders and installers. Because of their input, we have further forged a relationship with numerous members here. We hope to offer a nationwide network of installers and dealers as we already have them located through out Texas, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, South/North Carolina, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, and Indiana.

Obviously, this network is not providing us with total coverage but we expect it to reach that in the first year. We have forged relationships with multiple manufacturers and will release more information upon our Grand Opening. We are still in the midst of expanding this, as well as negotiating with manufacturers. We are open to talks with more people and the interest is building significantly.

Thank you for your interest,

Outlet PSE Staff
OutletPSE said:
It is about time we make our entry into this thread. First off, many great thanks to Wandi for his avid interest into Outlet PSE. Secondly, because of Wandi's interest here, we have forged a very close working relationship with the Administrators of Jman423 and JohnMarcson have been cordial, supportive, and informative during our learning process with this site. Fortunately, we also have a group of members familiar with this site that have also helped guide us through the process here. The "Light My Ride"© give-a-way was the best way we could figure out how to integrate ourselves with the community and list of approved installers, dealers, and manufacturers.

We know there are a lot of people asking "who" we are. The best reply to this is that we are not a "who" we are more of a "what". We will be releasing more information in the coming weeks when relationships are finalized. We do plan to focus on customer service and cost effectiveness. We have worked closely with and the's approved list of venders and installers. Because of their input, we have further forged a relationship with numerous members here. We hope to offer a nationwide network of installers and dealers as we already have them located through out Texas, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, South/North Carolina, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, and Indiana.

Obviously, this network is not providing us with total coverage but we expect it to reach that in the first year. We have forged relationships with multiple manufacturers and will release more information upon our Grand Opening. We are still in the midst of expanding this, as well as negotiating with manufacturers. We are open to talks with more people and the interest is building significantly.

Thank you for your interest,

Outlet PSE Staff

Sounds like Tom to me :D
That would mean tom is buying ad space for two different companies on ELB... expensive.

Hmmmmmm...... no wonder tom has been quiet lately lol
Honestly to me it doesn't sound like anyone from this forum. I'm not sure why everyone is trying to say I think it's this person or that person. Who cares,just have a little paitence and you all will find out once they reveal who they are & what theh are selling. This reminds me of a bunch of children at Christmas time trying to guess what's in the big box under the tree.
elite907 said:
Honestly to me it doesn't sound like anyone from this forum. I'm not sure why everyone is trying to say I think it's this person or that person. Who cares,just have a little paitence and you all will find out once they reveal who they are & what theh are selling. This reminds me of a bunch of children at Christmas time trying to guess what's in the big box under the tree.

Yes... I liked a post by elite907...

What is this world coming to?!

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