Lets see pictures of custom lights/lightbars [CLOSED]

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Nice, thanks. Looks like an awesome bar. Maybe thats where they came up with the Dtech rotators expect with halogen bulbs. lol
signal12 said:
thamks crown vic. i actually designed it back in october of 1979 and patented it 1982

You're welcome :cool: . That'd been really cool if your design took off back then. Then we'd be wanting to collect your lightbars today :mrgreen: !
yes i contacted many of the big guys and most of them said they were getting away from moving parts even though that took many years and yet they still use moving parts today. i can actually shrink the bar down to 4-1/4 inches tall
those rotating strobe lights are wierd but they look like a pretty nifty idea ther pretty sweet

SireLite said:
I've had this saved on my computer for years.

Strobe LED Flatlighter.jpg[/attachment:27d5u0yl]

That thing must've been a pain to make; I took apart my flatlighter I had & w/the internal p/s there's just hardly any room to add anything. Looks great though ;)
signal12 said:
as well as a six head system
I've always liked this concept... very creative
And my very own! This uses Whelen 700 series and Tomar RECT34 LEDs. They are all independent. I'm debating on whether to add a flasher or not in the future. As of now, the bar is only half done as I have only completed the front. The rear still has the original strobes. Complete with a Barker's beauty! Video to follow soon!






cpdchief said:
And my very own! This uses Whelen 700 series and Tomar RECT34 LEDs. They are all independent. I'm debating on whether to add a flasher or not in the future. As of now, the bar is only half done as I have only completed the front. The rear still has the original strobes. Complete with a Barker's beauty! Video to follow soon!

Very cool, the jet is a great platform for LEDs... throw a meteor traffic clearing light in the center!
ok i have a jet strobe..seeing these bars makes me wana do this soooooo bad!!

They look awsome!
I know its not really a custom bar since its made by a company but i always loved the SHO-ME led/strobe mini bar i just think it looks cool and i want one just that they usually cost an arm and a leg and not really worth it since they are outdated since they use first gen leds. But i still think they look sweet.
I just finished a "custom" MX7000 that will soon be mounted on my SAR team's one truck. I used the components of two bars (and a random OsciLaser that I had laying around) to make one amazing one. I'm thinking about upgrading it later once I get more parts (like high speed rotators), but for now it's the best I could do. Pretty much it has red outer lenses and a clear inner. There's a rotator on the outer spots and one in the middle with a red filter. The inner rotators were replaced with OsciLasers. The lower section has an alley and intersection sweeps on each end and starting from the left is a red flasher, a strobe jerry-rigged into a flasher housing hooked up to a Priority Green Pre-Emption power supply, two white flashers in the middle, a steady burn red, and another red flasher. The four flashers are hooked up so the left outer & right inner alternate with the right outer & left inner. As you can tell, there's nothing to the back really (besides the rotators), but that's because it will be blocked by the body. I'm hoping to have a video soon, but until then, I'll give you two build pics...

[Broken External Image]:http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos...00565483468484_9329598_77113518_1641419_n.jpg

[Broken External Image]:http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos...00573309355344_9329598_77281092_6377828_n.jpg

I stopped taking pictures after there because I got pissed that the flashers weren't working (turned out to be a bad flasher, that's what I get for believing the team member who said "they told me everything worked when I got it from them"), and after I got that issue resolved I just wanted it done.
GyroTech said:
Hello John,

I'm still around here and always been only as a viewer since the event of the sho-me bar and yes I still do custom jobs for our customers, here's are some newer and older...


Special Duke of Hazzard AeroDynic with Guardian over size rotators


Whelen TIR3 warning bar


GyroTech LIN6 combo mini-bar


GyroTech L31 assembly mini-bar


GyroTech Nova thin led warning bar


Special 73" LOpro Delta fully loaded LIN6


10 strobes lopro lightbar


65" extra loprofile LED lightbar with 911ep WL39 and LEDStar




Mini-Excalibur with homemade lower dome

And much more!

Thanks for watching


im interested in more info on the 911ep project bar with stars and td or wl sticks....... looks neet....
Custom lightbar made from a Code 3 2100 base.

I was looking to somehow add clearance lights and additional work lighting to my truck with some warning capabilities. As it turned out, the more I tinkered and built, the more warning lighting it ended up with. The original had takedowns, angled alleys and rear halogen spot lights.





It turned out that the takedowns and rear spots weren't effective/used enough for me to keep around and I didn't like the angle on the alley lights so I decided to add additional warning lights. There are no pictures of it but revision 2 was the addition of another Sho Me flasher to unsync the rear amber and red lights (evident in the video).

1st Revision:








Clearance light function (tied into park lights) with cruise lights activated.




The bar ended up with:

Code 3 base/domes

Federal Signal wire harness

Code 3 LED-X Heads

911ep Stars

Sound Off Predators

Whelen 0S lights/LED Clearance lights

Whelen ULF 44 flashers

Sho Me 11.1005SF LED flashers
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