Explain Your Username to Us

I drive a white Jeep Cherokee that looks like a fridge. "Body design by Maytag"
Well Jeremy is my first name, 9 in my lucky number (09) and 66 was my station number when i lived in California. Therefore you get Jeremy0966 :D
mine is my cert call number ( 6),  mrt  is for when I worked security for the meadowlands racetrack,  265 is my number at the squad.  crt6mrt-265
My initials are AJ, and 3814 was my unit number as a police officer in Texas when I was first assigned to highway interdiction (which is what I love doing the most).
First started using it as a CB handle back in the 70's. Actually came up with it while watching an old Bert Reynolds movie called Skullduggery. I do a lot of history research and am a confessed Tophophile, so it still fits.
Many of you have created your username from some mash-up of numbers, words, or names, tell us what they mean?

There are some usernames that are pretty straightforward, but there are far more usernames that only really mean something to the user that created it... share with us, if you will, the meaning behind it!

Hi. My ELB name is DalmatProd from our original corporation, Dalmatian Productions, Inc. We're a TV production company who is dedicated to producing an top-grade television drama about the fire service. We've been working on televised fire projects since 1999; first in the reality field and now in network/streaming drama.
I suppose that I have the longest username on eLB. Still unsure as to whether that's a good thing.

To anyone who's served in the Canadian Army, they know exactly what my username and avatar are referring to: The Royal Canadian Regiment (The RCR; the "The" is always included). I served in this regiment, 2nd Battalion (2 RCR), to be exact. Pro Patria (Latin: "For Country") is The RCR's regimental motto. It means that we do our duties for our country. Now, Never Pass A Fault is our regimental creed. It's a trickier concept to explain. It's a lot more complex than most think. The most basic definition that I can think of is that you hold yourself and others to a higher standard by not allowing small mistakes to pass, preventing them from becoming larger problems. This includes everything: dress, drill, deportment, discipline, integrity and professionalism. The RCR has a bit of a reputation in the Canadian Army as stuffy hardasses and ballbusters. This isn't true at all; we're just Canada's seniormost infantry regiment and place a very strong emphasis on very high standards and on upholding tradition. Many other regiments, mostly in the Primary Reserves, try and emulate Never Pass a Fault, but do so in a way that's just an excuse to tear troops to shreds over minor things. This isn't what this creed stands for, nor what it means. I'll spare everyone by going on at length about the detailed meanings of our creed, but here's a good link, if you're interested in some great reading that you can apply to your own duties:


So, the long and short of it is that it's a reference to one of the Canadian Army regiments that I served in and the one that I hold nearest to my heart.
Many of you have created your username from some mash-up of numbers, words, or names, tell us what they mean?

There are some usernames that are pretty straightforward, but there are far more usernames that only really mean something to the user that created it... share with us, if you will, the meaning behind it!
Many of you have created your username from some mash-up of numbers, words, or names, tell us what they mean?

There are some usernames that are pretty straightforward, but there are far more usernames that only really mean something to the user that created it... share with us, if you will, the meaning behind it!
Many of you have created your username from some mash-up of numbers, words, or names, tell us what they mean?

There are some usernames that are pretty straightforward, but there are far more usernames that only really mean something to the user that created it... share with us, if you will, the meaning behind it!
well hi everybody my name is Rob and my official fcclicence amature radio licence call sine over the air is kilo-Charley-2 -victor-echo-tango-kc2vet and there you go
Safetyman comes from the work that I do. I retired with 30 years from a nuclear power generating plant with my specialities being in fire protection, training, and safety training. I decided to go back to work part-time at various generating stations at as an industrial safety supervisor/specialist. I am also the District Safety Officer for the North West Fire District in central NY.

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