Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Thanks Chief!!!  I'm hoping to get some time on my days off to work on the Durango a bit...  Hopefully at least get my roof drilled for my Valor cables...  Maybe get the SS2K Platinum programmed and installed...  

I ordered a grill assembly for my Durango tonight.  Once that comes in I can start devise how to custom mount my CN sticks in the grill, and possibly mount my T-1000 in there somewhere as well... 
Remember - PHOTOS when you are done....(please).

Of course...  lol  

I'm thinking like a semi-flush kinda mount for the CNs in the grill...  As in, cutting a hole in the grill mesh and having the lens portion protrude through and the body still be behind the mesh...  The only mental hang-up I'm having currently is how to affix the lighthead solidly...  But that will be able to get worked on more when I get the other grill assembly delivered...  
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"Breaking News: Van full of college girls goes missing, all passengers presumed drugged/abused. Van seen stopping at several fast food restaurants between Shelbyville and Nashville"

or not....

wouldnt be hard to "miss" these things.
Well in the last week my small dept ran 3 first due crashes with reported entrapment and a loaded tour bus over the embankment on the limited access highway. Thankfully the bus stayed upright and all the crew had to do is use a shovel to dig around he door since it was buried in the dirt.

Command to Engine- when you arrive I need a shovel and a ladder. Lol

First time for everything
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Just here checking for a pulse......
Yup...I got mine...
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since I was so busy yesterday after (and tired from getting almost 4hours of sleep) heres the vans...

I got all 3 of them lined up, teacher calls and said one of the other drivers dropped out so this was taken after I took the older f350 out of the line up.

when it was time to leave she said her other drive dropped out as well so it was just me and I took this f350 cause it was newer and I was driving 10 people.

Preparing to move next month...omfg

not my choice.. But I just bought an 07 Hemi Chargrrr off C list to cheer myself up... It's white,(gah).. But the price was right

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good luck moving appliances in that and furniture in that :lol:
Creeping up on 300 pages, nifty...

I'm not in my state. I'm not comfortable when I'm not in my state. This hotel bed is crap, the roads are crap, the traffic is crap, the scenery is crap...

How do you people live in Indiana?
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Checking in for 10 hours of double time...  Went home this morning at 0600 and got on/off sleep all day (longest sleep was like 20-30 minutes)  When I finally got out of bed I noticed my phone had blown up all day with messages and that there was overtime tonight...  So since I'm poor, I jumped on it...  lol  
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Damn man...and I thought we had shit tons of OT.....
Trust me, there is very little OT here...  Hence the reason I'm jumping on it...    The only shitty thing is that it leave no time to work on my Durango...
but it gives you money to work on the Durango...

8 hours at the old job today and then a yard or 2 if the rain holds off
That is a really nice looking Charger. I like the all white exterior.

well thank ya for the kind words! it was a marked unit in its former life, I've been lurking for one for a while now, wanted black, but I snatched this one up outta Boston, the ad was like six hours old when I replied, and well, the rest is   don't know why the pic posted sideways tho..
That's peculiar, it shows sideways to me, but your post of the pic shows correct.?.. Lol

heres a pair I loaded that are oriented  the wrong way as I loaded em...


I've replaced the headlights and markers, installed a new oem fog kit from the bay, and had it buffed out.. Few other minor repairs, got the vin cked, shall be increasing my blood pressure at the ridmv this week...

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Sure you have had a few too many adult beverages today? Your photos still look normal to me.



Back to the normal grind...  I'm running on about 8-10 hours sleep total in the past 3 days...  Checking in for 8 tonight...

Working on my Fed Sig CN Sticks...  I got the replacement board for the one thats having issues.  Swapped it and it flashed blue correctly, but not any og the whihte functions...  So I did an LED Scan on it and now it does the same as the other board, either flashed white or nothing...  Only an hour into my shift and already aggravated as hell...  
My Monday. Been here since 1400...staying til 0300.

Got back from lunch (letting dogs out), and came back to a blue screen of death at a radio console and someone calling in sick.   

Boulder....I'll trade you aggravations......
Congrats to them!  I haven't been able to find the results online anywhere. 
good morning all will this make the 300th page!!!

--- damn
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btw good morning all back tot he grind. I feel as if my weekends are more draining then the work week!!!
I've been working every Saturday as of late, and getting things find on Sundays, so I guess I'm trying to say I feel where you're coming from.

God bless the workin man.
its been crazy lol  I have not been able to go home and relax for more then 20 minutes without needing to do something. and that's even AFTER our daughter goes to bed!!

BTW.... PAGE 300!!!!!
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wish this office was overstaffed, it is crazy in here today. I would like to know who said the Q word.... no way it is this crazy without it being said.
We have banned and flogged visiting paramedics and deputies for saying that "Q" word............
Well, my pics are still crooked as I view this thread on mobile, I'll hafta try it on the Mac later... Anyone else see my pics as rotated?.... Tks

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