Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest


The contest has ended. The person who posted above me is the winner.

Please post a picture/screen shot of your like of the FEVER Facebook page or following the Twitter Page.  I will get with you. Exactly 1 year ago today is when I suffered my injury, which is why I wanted to ended it at exactly this moment. 
Due to violation of the ginger rule... we will have another winner selected in ten minutes...
i like how if you are thelast one to comment, then comment again, it ties them together in one box
No, I won't do that to ya timmy. Fair is fair, I know you are a follower on facebook so I will send you a set of LEDO grill lights.  Blue I take it? 
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now he'll have these just "layin around"

wait, he dont even have a vehicle atm!! :bonk:
Congrats Tim. Also condolences for when the LEDO lights burn down your ride. 
Yes... Boulder did win.  

On a serious note,  is this a well liked contest?   It seems to have been popular.  
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maybe you could put the ledo on the AV and sell it with lights for more money to some local idiot! tell them the set up is worth 500 bucks
Yes... Boulder did win.

On a serious note, is this a well liked contest? It seems to have been popular.

no, if only because gingers shouldnt have lights (they might burn!!)

seriously, cool contest, wish id seen it sooner
A contest where you get to add to your post count and get free lights...a person would have to be a commie not to like this. 
All in favor of me continuing this contest?   Like this post.  

I can't promise that I can do it every two or three days as far as having a winner but what I could do is just select a winner whenever I feel froggy and have something laying around I'm tired of seeing.    It could be things from Shirts, to stickers, to lights, to lightbars etc. Colors may or may not be selectable.  But I will leave it open to people being allowed to win more than once. We will just do a "no back to back" rule so people cant win consecutively. I will of course have to get the approval of John Marcson. 

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