When do you consider a light vintage?


Veteran Member
May 24, 2010
Laval, Canada
I can't help but think that somewhere around next year, any rotator bar will become vintage... ;)

After how much time or when do you consider a light/siren to be vintage?
I would think about 2 years after it is no longer made, and commonly sold. Rotator and strobe bars are still bought and used, and will be for some time until LED bar's come way down in price.
I would say after it's been out of production, and when the newest car outfitted with one is retired. So, about 5 years after production give or take. Like HILO said, halogen and strobes will be around for a long time to come. I mean, PDs and FDs where still specing sealed beam bars into the early nineties.
I don't think halogen bars are going anywhere for a while. Same for strobes. Gotta have economical choices for folks/agencies compared to the high price of LEDs.
toon80 said:
I can't help but think that somewhere around next year, any rotator bar will become vintage... ;)

After how much time or when do you consider a light/siren to be vintage?

When there are more of a light in collections than in actual vehicular use.
On the bulletin board at work there's a flyer for the local vintage car club. It says your car has to be at least 10 years old to join. I'm sorry, but I don't consider 2000 to be vintage.....
I was thinking that when you see a light that's on a police car you haven't seen since you were a kid...
right after it breaks, when its warranty is up.
It's weird. I see guys going nuts over lights that when they were on the market were considered absolute shit. I guess that's why some people collect Edsels and coprolites.
Stendec said:
It's weird. I see guys going nuts over lights that when they were on the market were considered absolute shit. I guess that's why some people collect Edsels and coprolites.
That is one of the reasons I like older whelen stuff... They were so big and so dim, but they were trying to devolop a new style of light...

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