Whelen Cencom Sapphire Input Expansion Module

John Hearne

May 27, 2010
Pontotoc County, MS
Can anyone explain the optional "input expansion module" now offered on the Cencom Sapphire?  Can I use the "inputs" to control other devices like a trigger wire for a lightbar that required 0.25 amps?
John, we just got one in on end of year money.  I haven't unpacked it yet to play with it.  I'll update this when I get time over the weekend and I'm caught up on my IMARS reports.
John, I played with the software for a bit today (thank goodness for a new IT guy that gave me admin rights to a USG computer).  It appears that they are both input and output depending on how you program the unit.  There are 2 rows of wires, you can use either the positive or negative wire per one input.
Quote said:
Sorry for the delay in reply.  I finally got a chance to talk to a Whelen tech rep at Fire Show West.  The reason behind the expansion module is to work with the negative inputs from the Ford PI, both Utility and Sedan, that are on the steering wheel.  The inputs can be used to control various outputs on the CentCom, IE wire an input to the door open wire and turn off the drivers side modules of the lightbar, or turn on ground lumination lights (fire engine).  The inputs are factory set to see ground ("low switch" was the term the rep used), but can be programmed to get 12 VDC input.

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