Whelen Cantrol programmers group


Jun 2, 2010
I wonder if we could start a mini-group for Whelen Cantrol owners and help each other out with programming and exploring the features of this versatile system. Not all of us have the benefit of attending Whelen's course in CT to learn the ins and outs, nor do we have a Cantrol certified dealer to help us through it.

Having gone through the software briefly it seems reasonably straightforward to program a basic setup. I think the rub lies in getting it to do all the fancy stuff most of us want to do with it., For example, let's say I have a TRIO Ion. I want it to show one color with a certain button, and another color with a different button. The TRIO Ion doesn't have independent color control; it has a mode wire that you use to cycle through the colors. The Cantrol should be able to assign the mode wire an output and upon that button press, activate the mode wire a preset number of times to change the color. I'm just not sure how to do it properly.

In speaking with one of Whelen's instructors he said the reality is Cantrol can be figured out by most folks familiar with the concepts and other WeCan/Cencom software, however things might not get programmed correctly because of the specific idiosyncrasies of how Cantrol works. That's where I'm hoping the community can step up and help out.

So sound off, Cantrol owners (no pun intended)! Who else has one?
I'm suprised no one else has commented on this. 

I think it's a great idea. I'm "self taught" as well. I've figured out a lot but it would be great to share info or completed files to see how someone else has done something.

This idea will probably be a lot more popular once CenCom Carbide is released. Because that system and software won't be restricted. 
I have a question...how do you tell the CENCOM to run the amber modules in a DUO bar? I have been playing around with the program but have not yet been able to connect to the bar but was curious why it won't let me select the amber light heads. I don't want to export to the bar and have the red/blues going on T/A function. I noticed that when I also tell the T/A function to run on/off mode it won't save. I click on the button and it shows the pattern selection hasn't saved. 

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