What are the most popular sirens people are using?

I personally run a federal signal smart siren as well as a Feniex storm pro 100. I hands-down prefer the smart siren, the smart siren simply sounds proper and authoritive. The storm Pro is okay and loud as well but has an off tone to it. I have the Sirens running off of 2 federal signal AS124s
After using a few different sirens- Carson, SVP, Whelen and Code 3 , I would have to say my favorite Is my current set up. SS2000SM paired with a Power call.
Code 3 vcon 3692's are popular with FDs in my area. Decent wail and yelp tones. Whelen in ambulances. Some even have the Whelen with the "Q" that sounds like a dying giraffe. PDs use a mash of whatever is in surplus or being taken out of old squads. State police use Fedsig, probably because state of IL requires purchase of equipment from in state businesses when possible (FS is in University Park IL). And C3 is in St louis.

Nothing beats the power of a Q though. Very loud and paired with air horns and a loud electronic siren 1 rig can sound like a 4 alarm response coming down the road.
The sirens I like to hear are long gone:

Early Federal PA15A/PA20A: B, C, and D series.

Early Smith & Wesson Magnum series: III, IV, V, VI.

Signal Stat 'Stat VI' (NYPD)

All have slow rising low pitched tones.
The sirens I like to hear are long gone:

Early Federal PA15A/PA20A: B, C, and D series.

Early Smith & Wesson Magnum series: III, IV, V, VI.

Signal Stat 'Stat VI' (NYPD)

All have slow rising low pitched tones.

I do love the sound of a PA15/20.

I bought a HHS3200, thought about running a PA series siren as well.
I do love the sound of a PA15/20.

I bought a HHS3200, thought about running a PA series siren as well.
If you do, keep in mind that there were three major variations of the 15 and 20:

The PA15 and PA20 have wail, yelp, and alert tones and were manufactured in the early 1960s. It will be hard to find one in perfect working condition.

The PA15A has wail and yelp tones only, while the PA20A has wail, yelp, and hi-lo tones. The PA15A series 1B, 1C, and 1D and PA20A series 2B, 2C, and 2D are the earlier versions (c. late 1960s) with the slow rising low pitched wail and yelp tones.

The PA15A series 1E and PA20A series 2E (c. 1970s) have fast rising high-pitched wail and yelp tones like the sirens we hear nowadays and are by far the most common versions of the 15 and 20. There were a lot of them made, and they are quite easy to find.

At the moment the local ambulance service where I live is using the current version of the Whelen 295HFS2, and the wail tone falls just like the PA15A series 1E and PA20A series 2E.
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Whelen. Would love a EQ2B as a secondary but $$$$ and no room for extra speakers. I currently run 200w CenCom Golds in all our vehicles. One has a 200w (with only 100w in use) secondary Alpha.
What do you like, what is most popular, what is most effective? What would your second choice be? Explain.

My favorite is the Fed Sig Touchmaster and then the Delta. After that is the Code 3 Mastercom for second choice.

My agency is currently running the Code 3 Z3 and the Xcel which I'm not caring much for. Wish they would have went Fed sig SS with Unitrol tones, so I swapped it out with one of my old Touchmasters. We'll see how long I get away with it. Everyone keeps asking me how I have such cool tones. I just say "there's switches in the back you have to mess with" lol

The Carson SC-409 Commander is also a very good siren.
Federal needs to make an electronic Model 77......Philly used to run them on everything.
I'm not a fan of the shrill sound of Federal mechanical sirens, but I like the sound of the 70 series more than the Q series.
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