Wanna-be Cop? pulled over in a Crown Vic with lightbar


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2011
Denver, Colorado
So- I came across this story this morning.

Not enough info to say for sure, but this is what I gather from the article: (my opinion)

- The guy was driving like a moron, perhaps thinking he should be able to intimidate others out of the way by driving what appears to be somewhat well equipped Crown Victoria.

- The guy was confirmed to be wearing an Aurora PD police uniform (no mention of gun?) yet it has been confirmed that he has never been employed by Aurora PD, although he applied to be some sort of volunteer, prior to COVID.. Whatever that means.. (Civilian/Community resource officer? We have multiple agencies here including my local PD and Sheriff's Dept with this program)

- Confirmed that the lightbar was yellow and clear lights, not red and blue, so no illegal activity there..

- Article doesn't mention him being charged with impersonation, but likely to be charged with reckless driving..

My biggest concern- Him in an uniform of a local police department, yet not working for the department. Did he have a badge? fake ID?

My current truck has been outfitted VERY NICELY recently by L.A.W.S. (post on that to come soon) and has antennas and very nice warning lighting (Amber/Clear) ham radio, CB radio, and future S&R/Volunteer FF radio, light control module in dash, and a non- law enforcement type of front windsheild dash cam. It looks like an unmarked vehicle to most people who look close enough and the treat it as though it is, which is why I am extra careful in my driving.

I know it's not illegal to have a vehicle that was a former department vehicle, and even having most of the equipment, hell I've owned a number of former patrol vehicles, and even had CB, volunteer FD/S&R and Ham radios in them, which of course made them look like an unmarked patrol vehicle, but I sure as hell never pretended to be a cop. No police uniforms, no duty belt, no fake decals or any other things like that.

Thoughts? I know we see this pop up every now and then but hopefully some immature idiot with the idea of decking his vehicle out to look like a police vehicle comes across this and thinks twice.
I love law enforcement. I wanted to be a Cop. My health at the time prevented that. I was a Law Enforcement Explorer scout in my teens, I worked for a short time for that sheriff's department in the fleet in a non-LE role, and often got to drive/shuttle various LE vehicles around, but never ONCE did I think about trying to pull someone over, or intimidate someone in whatever vehicle I was driving. Common sense. We have some of it, and have to develop other parts of it later on I suppose. But if you learn it from the stupidity of others or your own actions.. you just might turn out ok.
Every once in awhile I see something like this in the news. I would be concerned about the uniform as well TBH. These days just about any whacker type individual can acquire an ex police car and outfit it without anything more then a trip to Craigslist. There was a guy local to me that outfitted a CVPI to look like an NYPD vehicle with badging and everything but changed the wording to an obvious parody. even had the CPR mantra on the side that read something completely silly. He had a bar on the top, running amber and white but other then that from a distance looked like an early 00's NYPD cruiser.

I don't see him around much anymore so I wonder if he was told to knock it off.
Again, there is a difference between what is technically legal, and what is perceived. People should not get caught up in that to justify their likes or hobby, or security job appearance. If someone reasonably thinks you are the Police, then you are.

Yesterday, you might get extra attention from the Police for looking like one, regardless of your technical operation.

Today, you will get killed by any faction of person for the perception that you are Police. Good luck; watch your back at the gas station, in your driveway ... they are out there with nothing to lose.

If you need to play with lights on your car, get a truck; look like a fireman or utility truck or something. Even crazy people generally don't shoot the cable guy in the back of the head while he mows his lawn.

Be safe. This guy wanted attention, and he got it, luckily from the good guys first.

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