Vertex Duo's


I've looked everywhere and can't find the answer to my questions. I hope it hasn't been hashed out already.

Is the Vertex duo still a 6 LED unit? Are the LED's themselves dual color, so that you get all six illuminated per flash or are they simply just 3 one color and 3 another? The latter option seems silly to me since split vertexes have been around, but it could just be about branding them as duo and introducing two wire control. I'd like to know before investing in a set and I can't seem to find any good solid info on them. I've seen that the duo units have two wire controls (one for each color) but they could just control 3 LED's each of course. Most duo products have double the individual LED's, but I'm not sure this is possible for the Vertex due to space constraints.

Thanks in advance.

They are the same thing as the old splits as far as the leds in the housing. They are two wire controlled though. They function slightly different than the ION duos though, as a steady does not override the other color flashing. You can have one color steady, while the other color is flashing at the same time. Im not really a fan of them. But I have heard from reputable sources that the 12 led Vertex is being made, and should be shipping soon.

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