Tomar Spider Interior Series

Kevin K.

May 23, 2010
Northampton County, PA, USA
TOMAR | Spider Interior lightbar

Just saw this posted on Tomar's website. They've released the Spider Interior Series, consisting of front and rear interior lightbars with what appears to be new linear LED modules. They appear to be the size of Whelen LINZ6 modules.

Very nice looking. Wondering if there'll be a new exterior lightbar using these modules.
Kevin K. said:
TOMAR | Spider Interior lightbar

Just saw this posted on Tomar's website. They've released the Spider Interior Series, consisting of front and rear interior lightbars with what appears to be new linear LED modules. They appear to be the size of Whelen LINZ6 modules.

Very nice looking. Wondering if there'll be a new exterior lightbar using these modules.

I might be mistaken, but isn't there already one out there using these modules?

There's a Spider model that uses the Scorpion inboard modules (single- and dual-color) that mounts to the rear hatch of certain SUVs, just like the Outer Edge. I believe Cajun had a hand in its design, and it's been available for quite some time. The Interior Series referenced in my original post is all new.
Jamey@NNE said:
I think he was talking g about the blade exterior lightbar to answer the question at the bottom of your post.

Re-reading my original post, I now can see that my question at the bottom isn't all that clear! I was referring to an overhead, roof-mounted lightbar, not the Outer Edge style rear lightbar. Sorry bout that!
It's about time tomar came out with an ILB! Now, I just hope they'll release some other products with these optics; don't get me wrong, I love the 200s dash light, but a more compact alternative in their product line would be nice (as well as some future exterior mount versions of this smaller, linear optic).

Interesting idea to have adjustable angle TDs. For someone that doesn't require TDs for officer safety (ie a fire/EMS vehicle) it'd be nice to have some angled scene lighting and (if that non-LEO vehicle needed front scene lighting), high beams could fill that small void. Personally, I don't use TDs in fire/EMS b/c I rarely have the need for forward scene lighting in the fly car or shift commander vehicles; I only use the A-post unity or alleys as scene lighting when in those vehicles for finding house/building numbers, so I could appreciate angled TDs
Kevin K. said:
Re-reading my original post, I now can see that my question at the bottom isn't all that clear! I was referring to an overhead, roof-mounted lightbar, not the Outer Edge style rear lightbar. Sorry bout that!

No worries, it's all good.
That ILB looks bright as F@#K in sunny daytime, so I can only imagine what it'd look like at night. However, I expect nothing less from Tomar and have always been impressed with their products (even though they can be on the pricey side). But, for approx $600, I think that is a solid deal

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