The K-9 Korner

Or photos.

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When I worked at a small PD we had this crazy officer that took orders to literally..... The chief told him to issue citations for loose dogs "leash law" and we'll this officer detained finger printed and took a mug shot of a loose pit bull and he even left the put bull in the Chiefs office all night on grave yard shift... dog peed and shit everywhere and the chief was not amused... I guess the officer hated the chief. I have photos floating around if I find them I will post lol..
I wasn't aware that Kujo was still around...
While on a USSS support mission to St. Louis, I was taking my MWD out for the last time that night to give her a chance to relieve herself in a grassy area next to the very nice hotel we were staying at. While searching for a suitable location to drop a load, she pulled me towards a small hedge in the middle of the area. When she was about a foot away from the hedge a rather startled homeless man sat up from his sleeping place. All I could do was apologize for the disturbance and praise my dog for picking up his scent. This is also the same mission where I thought I was being nice and gave her a piece of filet minon (sp?) I had ordered from room service the night before I was to do sweeps for VPOTUS. The next day, while searching his convoy, she went off to the side of the convoy and let out the most heinous, foul smelling, runny poop I had ever seen from her. I just looked at the agent by me and said "At least it wasn't in the limo".
Our SAR unit partook in National Night Out Tuesday instead of training, good PR and good time.  Had to get a pic of my pup in front of the Saints Flight copter....

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Not really a dog story but K9 related...The 2015 USPCA NATIONAL K9 trials are being held in September 19-26 this year in Springfield, IL (my neck of the woods).  They are expecting teams from coast to coast and I hear from local sources possibly up to 500 dogs.  The Sangamon County Rescue Squad K9 team volunteers/members will be assisting officers/handlers, event parking/traffic control, etc.

I am not directly affiliated with USPCA.
One more day of 2015 USPCA K9 Nationals.  They have pics and vids up on their FB page. (For some reason they put my ugly mug on their FB page).  If I hear anything on results I'll post'em up.   Some pics I was able to snag.....


You've got me thinking..

My pups dam is Olga Vom Ausland, not sure if she is active anymore but was in service with the Marion County Sheriff in Indiana and had done quite well in previous K9 Nationals, or so the story goes..

Sire was Falco Vom Staufener Schlossberg, pretty good pedigree working dog out of Europe
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On the Lakeland close up, shouldn't "Committed to Excellence" be "Committed to biting the %#@$ out of you" on a K-9 unit?
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Forgot to post this up here...2015 USPCA K9 patrol dog trails are done.  Lakeland FL (the home of FEVER) took 1st and 2nd place.  I am still waiting on USPCA to post the results up on their site and their FB page. 
Lakeland took first, Lake Wales (also in my county) took second. I've beat both teams before with my old dog :( ugh.. i miss it
Super jealous I can't go to these. Current leadership regime hates k9 so no trips. Is USPCA worth joining?
Yes and no... its nice to have certifications for court... but a competition dog does not always mean a good street dog... There is a wealth of knowledge though at the events and amongst the trainers/judges
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So we certified 7 SAR dogs Saturday.  One of our members has 200 acres of timber/grass in his family that we were using, and we were told no one should be out there.  I roll up about 0900 (last one there) and get told I drew 1st out dog.  I worked the night before (til 2300) and of course I couldn't/didn't sleep for shit because of work crap swilring in my head, add to that being nervous because this is my 1st cert. with this dog.   So here I am tired. hungry, nervous, and rushed (tired and hungry by themselves were making me VERY pissy) and getting the dog ready. 

Soon as he's out the cage he stuck right by me all clingy (unusual) so I knew he was sensing my anxiety.  We get told the boundary area (victim in grass not woods) and I get 1 trailer to go with and he's a new guy (like a month in).  Normally we take 3-4, 1 for comms. and 2 for lookouts.  We get to the south edge of the field and go off lead, dog goes north about 150ft, hits the edge of the search area and then keeps going.  I recall and he keeps going back to the same area, I trust my dog so I let him lead.  We go north about 200yards outside the search area but still in the grass until we hit the edge of the woods and he finds a Kia SUV.  Look in the window and saw a cooler and an empty bow case (archery deer season is in in IL).  We stop and make a call back to command and they said there shouldn't be anyone there.  So I think "shit, last thing I want to do is get myself or my dog shot and hafta drag a mo-fo outta his tree stand for a beatin". 

Command says they are making calls and to proceed but stay out of the woods.  Keep in mind they couldn't see us and they thought we were still in the search area.  So I get the dog to reset and he starts heading east of the Kia.  About 100yds later we hit the other edge of the woods and he finds a god damn GMC truck with an empty crossbow case in it.  So at this point I think this is all a set up by command to screw with us, this time I make a phone call and get "are you serious?, I told those guys not to hunt out here today and that we were training" to which I replied, "best get a hold of them, friends of yours or not if we get shot at I will yank a sumbitch outta his tree stand and stick it someplace he wont want it...and why the F didn't you come out here to check before we started all this?!" 

We end up working our way south back to the starting point and reset again, this time heading straight west along a fence line separating the search area and a cow pasture.  We're now 45 minutes into this so I'm thinking screwed on a certification.  We work west about 150 yards and no indication (wind was out of the south), so we turn around and head back as the wind shifted out of the north.  Halfway back to the start dog sticks his nose straight up and runs northbound about 50 yards and starts barking.  I hoped like hell he had found a hunter and scared the shit out of him.  Turned out he found the victim (our chief).  I tell the chief about the hunters and he had no idea that anyone else was there. 

After heading back to the staging area we run 4 more dogs while still phone calling the hunters.  They all find within 15 minutes and cert.  The hunters finally come out, apologize and leave.  We run the last 2 dogs and each one has no problems making their find within 15 minutes, both of them getting certs.  I get a second chance to see if mine makes the find again and he does without any problem, so he also certs.   The chief said he would've certed him on the first run alone because he found 2 other things that none of the other dogs did even though it was out of the search area. 

So lessons I re/learned here.....1. Trust in dog, even if you think he/she is wrong they are probably right.  2. Always expect the unexpected.  3. Carry a gun if you can, never know when you may run into an unexpected armed guy in the woods.  4.  Train like you fight, and just because its training don't think it couldn't get real world pretty friggin fast.  5.  Some asshole named Murphy and his law is always lurking around somewhere, usually when you don't want him to, that dick.  6.  Even though you are having a bad day, things can always make it more interesting, so relax.
We firefighters can take about 5 of those items and use them, too.

Thanks for the story!
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Had a training event at the local water/amusement park (closed for season) this morning. My dog is 5 years old and has never shown interest in geese or water. Well apparently he's changed his mind about both....we started near the pond and he made it about 75 feet from me and jumped in near a pair of geese. I did a recall and he turned right around and paddled back, water was a crisp 45 degrees so I'm not sure it was my recall that brought him in. Got him out, shook it off and kept going til he made the find. The 4 people trailing with me thought it was hilarious.

At least I now know he can swim.....
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Dupe post from above....stupid computer.
The inspiration for Judy Hopps?

thats the cop bunny thats going to arrest lil bunny foo foo for picking up the field mice and bopping them on the head...
Saw this in Men's health magazine. He's the 2015 national champ from Lakeland FL that was mentioned in this thread back in September
He should be in first class.

1st class.jpg
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Good doggies.

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Always a fun time while walking the line at the airshow and the new dog takes a HUGE dump right in the middle of everyone, then the handler gives me the "I don't have any bags look".
When my service dog takes a dump in public, I do too. He's not so embarrassed that way.
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