SOLD - CUSTOM Mini lightbars

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Grant 911 Custom

Grant @ 911 Custom
New Member
Sep 8, 2016
Overland Park, KS
We have recently completed several Mini Lightbars using parts from around the shop. The bases off of 50" lightbars were cut down to this size and the lightheads were hardwired to the flasher with Heat-shrink insulated butt connectors. We used a standard headlight flasher to make the heads flash. These were built professionally and we stand behind them. Our lead technician approved of all of them and gave guidance on how to assure the best quality.

Email for information

We have 3 RED/BLUE Lightbars -- One has Duo heads to Add White
We have 1 RED/WHITE Lightbar
We have 3 RED/RED Lightbars
We have 1 RED Outside W/ Blue Inside Lightbar
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I assure you, all bars were built with quality and care. Our top technician approved all bars after being built. We will take better pictures in the future in order to truly show this. Thank you for pointing out something we could do to improve these in the future!

We did not do plug and play because it is not flashing via a control board, but rather a standard headlight flasher. Like previously stated, I assure you these were built with the ought must quality and we wouldn't sell them if they weren't!
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I understand shues concern/issue with the lack of the 2-pin connectors but being a business owner AND having a frugal tech who also loves to fabricate in his free time, given the fact that (in theory) the lifespan of a standard Whelen 500-series lighthead should meet/exceed the life of the entire unit, "hardwiring" those heads would be a viable cost-saving factor in building "their units". Even though it IS only a "few dollars", that's a "few dollars" less profit in Grant's pocket. With today's markets and with profits being so marginal with small-business health care costs skyrocketing and such, every "few dollars" makes a difference! Besides, who cares how they are put-together as long as they function, Grant stands behind them and/or services them, quality waterproof components are being utilized... The end-user doesn't really need to know what's inside, again, as long as it gives them the years of service they need without any issues. Plug and play is more of a manufacturer's time/cost-saving feature than an end-user's feature. Just because WE "tinker" with our "toys" and mix/match the options we like into our units doesn't mean ALL customers do. MOST actually do not. They just want a functional widget that'll give them years of good service...they could give a hoot what's inside! How many times have you had your microwave apart? You don't care how it works or how serviceable it is, you just plug it in and expect it to do what it is supposed to do when you want it to do it! Who in hell would take one apart to begin with and why? Regardless if it's a microwave or a lightbar... Grant's bars (i'm sure) are still more than serviceable/adequate with the components he's using AND he keeps his costs down AND therefore the cost-per-each unit decreases AND he gets to sell more AND his profits are higher! Win-Win, in my opinion! No "yikes" about it...simple business math.

Don't get me wrong, please! I'm a bit OCD myself and we all like to "keep our GM cars all GM" but that's a MUCH more expensive venture than just "fabbing-together" some mini bars from a bunch of old parts he probably couldn't get rid-of, otherwise. I wish I had that kind of time! Back when I did, I and my techs built some pretty cool units from the crap we had laying around. I just got one of our old units back in on trade from a cool fab from 24 years ago! We did it right back then and it is still functioning today! I'll actually be posting it in the vintage section once we clean it up a bit.

Kudos, Grant and good luck w/ the sales! (sorry I got long-winded)
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