Soft Launch of New FEVER Site

Carlos SpicyWeiner

Lifetime VIP Donor
May 3, 2012
Lakeland, Florida
Many of you know our website was attacked and downed for about 45 days. After spending a few weeks of trying to repair and correct it, we have decided to completely scrap our old website.

We have built a new website and soft launched it. It is functional in a very basic form right now. We will leave it up as we continue to fine tune it and add features. Our "Grand Opening" of the new site will be Thanksgiving week though.

No FEVER Elite or FEVER Elite Dealer Logins will reflect your discounts. Those will come in time but for now we are focusing on getting operational again. This has been huge hurdle to overcome, but in the end; the company will be stronger because of it.

FEVER, was essentially created by the members of Many of you were in the old chatroom providing input on what we should do. The company was essentially just a joke for those in chat when it started. In those chats came a ton of useful information though and great suggestions. The name, the slogan, the website design, and numerous other facets of the business were thought of in that chat room.

We are going to get back to those roots. Give us input on what you are seeing with the new site.

First question is the options. Do you like the colored squares to select your color options or do you prefer the drop down menus?

This is what the colored squares will look like with the single color interior bars

This is what the colored squares will look like with the Dual color interior bars

Our email server was down as well during this transition so the best way to reach us right now is through an email for
Good to hear the news Nic! Thanks for the announcement.

I like the old drop down style option myself. I order on the fly for customers a lot, which means I use my Galaxy S5. The color buttons are great for PC but ordering a fusion ILB or 800 dual color on a phone looks like it might be a bit cumbersome. Just my thoughts. Again, glad it's back up and hope to be ordering more here soon.
Good to hear the news Nic! Thanks for the announcement.

I like the old drop down style option myself. I order on the fly for customers a lot, which means I use my Galaxy S5. The color buttons are great for PC but ordering a fusion ILB or 800 dual color on a phone looks like it might be a bit cumbersome. Just my thoughts. Again, glad it's back up and hope to be ordering more here soon.
This won't be for the dealer site so we are trying to cater this to the customers directly. We were wondering if this would be easier to do simple click on the square then scroll through a bunch of drop down options on a phone.
This won't be for the dealer site so we are trying to cater this to the customers directly. We were wondering if this would be easier to do simple click on the square then scroll through a bunch of drop down options on a phone.
for a mobile site, drop down boxes would work much better than colored squares. the squares would be better on Desktop/Tablet.
I like the colored squares. No problem selecting them from my Android phone.

I must be the odd man out here...I hate drop downs on my mobile.
Keep in mind if we go to drop downs you will have about 8-10 selections to scroll through for each drop down to account for the different colors/options.
That was the only reason we decided to try the colored squares.
i got on the site and didnt see either choice.... i blame I T
I like the squares. Gives a visual to what you are picking and it breaks up the drop down text of the optics.
No disrespect but people are simple and want easy ordering. The colored squares are a great choice, heck if you could do the same with the optics that would be nice as well. Keep is simple. Keep up the hard work.
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I like the color boxes, but, with that said having a wife and father in law that are color blinded... a drop down with the words written might be the best.
I like the color boxes, but, with that said having a wife and father in law that are color blinded... a drop down with the words written might be the best.
Interesting point. If you hover over the squares it does show wording for the colors though.

This is a tough decision at this point. Seems like a lot of people like the colored squares.
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Suggestion put what side module 1 is and what side module 4 is for the ILB
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How much longer until the Fever elite membership prices go live? hard to do quick quotes for people when I don't know what my cost is going to be.
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We are not going to be able to afford the cost of a separate site for Elite members or FED members like we had. All Elite and FED orders must be emailed to
Elite Received 10% off the website price. I think right now our sale is still at 9% once you put it in the shopping car but that is going down every other day until Christmas. Any questions about Elite or FED pricing and availability need to be directed to the email account for a more reliable response rate.

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