Single Tone vs. Dual Tone


Sep 10, 2010
United States
Are dual tone siren systems effective? Is it worth it?


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We use them on our ambulances and they seem to be more effective than single tone models. This also identifies the sound as an "ambulance sound" in our communities as no other agency uses them. We use single tone electronic and Qs on our fire apparatus.
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At work one of our squads has it. "They" say it helps in response as some people who can't hear the wail will hear the yelp, and vise versa, but as the same time it seems to lose its punch vs one of the other squads with a 200w single tone.
One speaker doing its own tone isnt as loud as 2 speakers doing the same tone
But when multiple units respond together they are supposed to use different tones and the dual tone doesn't work well for that
 Not a real good idea to respond together that close that your sirens mix anyway.
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If they're on the same tone, but open on wail and one in yelp it would be the same as this.

When you have a platform, an engine, Heavy and chief responding from your station even stacked/stepped response doesn't work for ever.

If you leave 5 or so lengths between them the sirens still mix. No way around it other than 1 going hot and the others not and we do that except on fires. Or confirmed entrapment MVAs
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I think the key thing is, not so much that it's louder or not, but it's more noticable or attention-getting.

My previous vehicle had a Whelen B-Link siren with two 100 watt amps and speakers.   It was set so they both ran the same tones, but very slightly out-of-synch.   Hard to explain, but it kind of sounded like an echo or something.

The speakers were both behind the grill, pretty much unobstructed.  That setup worked really well, and in my opinion sounded cool as hell.   A lot of people commented on it, which to me indicates that it got your attention well.
Our rescue and our mini-pumper both run dual. Both have 2 Sho-Me/Able 2 three function sirens.

The chief will run both on wail, which I think makes one big "wall" of sound that's not to effective.

I'll run one set on wail and other on yelp. Hit the phaser on the yelp siren when approaching intersections. I think it's a tad bit more effective.
If im trying to project sound far ahead of me i use single tone. Anything up close and dual tone is most effective.
If you were using a real Federal doubletone siren you'd be in good shape.  But I've never cared that much for the dual-amp. electronic sirens.  But I did run across one the other day on YouTube that sounded almost like a Federal doubletone siren:  close but no cigar!

For you youngsters around here, the doubletone sirens have a dual rotor cast together.  One of the rotors has 8 ports and the other 16.  That gives simultaneous high and low pitches.  The only downside of the doubletones was their size: 7 1/2" rotors.  They did have a decent range to them, but nothing compared to a Q or B&M Super Chief.

When my REACT team in Lubbock back in the late '60s became involved with providing first aid for the local racetrack we had use of the track's ambulance, an old '60 Chevy station wagon.  At he time all it had was a single Federal 17 beacon on top.....period.  But on May 11, 1970 Lubbock was hit by a massive F5 tornado.   We were able to mobilize with an ambulance borrowed quickly from a local ambulance dealer. Long story short we had a lot of good publicity from what we did that night and a few days following the storm; and as a result we were given the old track ambulance.  And surprise, surprise, we discovered that the owner had a nice 77GB doubletone siren put away that had simply never been put on the car, although there were holes in the fender where it would've gone.  And that's where it went!   We discovered that at some point in its history the siren had been rebuilt and had an oversized motor  That siren would scream.   One of our members worked at a movie theater that happened to be on the route we would take when we transported to the then-Methodist Hospital.  One Friday evening he had to work at the theater, and sure enough we had a run.  He had just come downstairs to the lobby for a quick break at the exact moment we were approaching the intersection closest to him.  He would later tell us that when we hit the intersection (and I was driving) that that doubletone siren rattled the plate glass windows in the theater.  I've heard stories about the high-pitched friction sirens on police bikes doing that, but never from a siren like that doubletone.  I would come closer to believing that from a Q or Super Chief!

When I was in my early teens I had done a science class project on sirens and had become acquainted with one of Federal's managers who had supplied me with all sorts of neat literature on everything that they built at the time. So I asked him totally out of curiosity why they hadn't built a dual-toned Q....considering the neat sound of the doubletones.  He said that they had built a prototype and a few models to see how they would go over, which they didn't: end of that story.

So back to the obvious topic here,   if someone would produce a twin-amp electronic siren that would give a real dualtone sound, I'd be the fist to grab one!
I think it's all based on situation. On my POV I have the option to run up to triple tone. Rarely is it necessary, but the ability to make that much noise to clear a tough intersection is nice to have.
I think it's all based on situation. On my POV I have the option to run up to triple tone. Rarely is it necessary, but the ability to make that much noise to clear a tough intersection is nice to have.
You are right on that one.   "Back in the day" one of my closest friends had a '61 Pontiac ambulance that sported five beacons, a roof-mount Q, a 77 doubletone siren on the rt. fender and an SA24 speaker on the left powered by a Director.  While you couldn't run both motor sirens at once, you could run one and let it drift and then the other with the Director on yelp.  I loved driving that old beast.   I had a small standby ambulance service at the time when my friend had his service.  His "real" job was as a cop at Texas Tech, and on occasion if he was stuck on weekend duty I'd take his big Pontiac out to the races or wherever we were working.   One night we made a run into the hospital in that big rig, and at a couple of the major intersection I'd run the Q and then let it coast and bring up the doubletone.  I had my handheld scanner on the seat one time and heard a PD unit ask where the fire department was running out south. He was told that the FD wasn't running.  Then another unit told him, "Oh that's just Skip as his guys coming in from the races.Don't worry about it."  I almost couldn't drive for laughing so hard!
I love dual tone I have dual tones on my POV a federal signal smart siren and a code 3 vcon  I wish I had two Whelen Gamma 2 and I would run a powercall and a mech tone.
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What I have now is a Whelen SL100 and I love the mech. tone on it.
I think you may be the only person to ever say that. The Q tone on the old Whelen HFSQ sirens sounded awesome---almost like an EQ2B. Then FS bitched at Whelen and Whelen changed the tone on the SL100 sirens (I have one)...and cue the dying cow mechanical :(

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