Question about Impala 9C1 HLF


Veteran Member
May 21, 2010
I removed a Federal Signal "Ground side switching" HLF from our in-service 2002 9C1. It was not connected to anything on the car, just screwed to the radiator support. I'd like to get this working. Not sure why it was not hooked up. From what I can see, the factory headlight harness has not been cut.

FA5C-RDG Ground Side Switching Flasher "2112"

Not sure which of those is the model #. The unit has three relays, and a ton of wires. Two orange (one for each headlight I assume), red (power), black (ground), and I have green, blue, yellow and white. Without delving into a huge schematic, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction on what needs hooked up on a 9C1 Impala. I know that they should have used a tie-in point (in the trunk?) but it appears that they did this the old fashioned way. I also need to know which headlight wires to snip and splice.
Well, if it has not been hooked up, why not move it to the trunk now, if there is a hook up point in there to access?

heh, I can now see why you asked:

See figure 1 and perform the following

1. Connect the flasher’s green wire to the

negative post of the battery.


Connection to a fusible link or a circuit

breaker may damage the flasher. Connect

only to a fuse as described.

2. Connect the white wire, through a usersupplied

10-ampere fuse to the positive post of the

battery or other high current source.


Do not connect the white and red wires

together. The white wire must receive a

constant source of power at all times.

3. Connect the red wire to a user-supplied

single-pole, single-throw switch. Connect the other

side of the switch to a 12VDC source. This switch will

only require 1/4-ampere to activate the flasher.

4. On the PASSENGER side of the vehicle,

locate the ground wire of the high beam lamp (DO

NOT USE THE HOT WIRE.). Come out about 10" -

12" from headlamp and cut this wire in half. Connect

the yellow wire to the head lamp and the blue wire

to the other half (the return).

5. (Optional) This unit has automatic nighttime

cutoff. If you desire to use this feature, simply

“T” tap the black wire into the vehicle’s marker light

wire. If you don’t desire this feature, connect black

to ground.

6. Find the DRL input or output wire. Cut

this wire in half. Connect one of the orange flasher

wires to one of the cut DRL wire halves. Connect the

other orange flasher wire to the other cut DRL wire


C. Chevrolet Impala Wiring (2000 and newer).

Follow the appropriate instructions in the

included Impala Flasher Instructions.
kadetklapp said:
I removed a Federal Signal "Ground side switching" HLF from our in-service 2002 9C1. It was not connected to anything on the car, just screwed to the radiator support. I'd like to get this working. Not sure why it was not hooked up. From what I can see, the factory headlight harness has not been cut.

FA5C-RDG Ground Side Switching Flasher "2112"

Not sure which of those is the model #. The unit has three relays, and a ton of wires. Two orange (one for each headlight I assume), red (power), black (ground), and I have green, blue, yellow and white. Without delving into a huge schematic, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction on what needs hooked up on a 9C1 Impala. I know that they should have used a tie-in point (in the trunk?) but it appears that they did this the old fashioned way. I also need to know which headlight wires to snip and splice.

Police package 2002 Impalas have a plug and play harness plug that would allow the interfacing of a flasher without cutting the wires. The plugs (tie in point) are triangular in shape and IIRC are white in color and are tied up somewhere close the where you found the flasher. We had many issues with the flashers failing on these cars after a few months of operation.....and I'm guessing it was due to the "relay switched ground side" design instead of a solid state version. We usually wound up replacing them or disabling them altogether and just plugging the harness back into itself.

We used SoundOff flashers that simply plugged in between the 2 factory other wires were hooked up or run anywhere. The flasher was triggered by a factory provided wire in the harness in the car. Whoever installed your flasher may have decided it was too much trouble to cut the harness and figure out where everything goes. The directions provided by unlisted appear to be correct if you want to splice it in.

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