POV Response


Sep 23, 2011
Found this gem on youtube...Seems to be going a wee bit too fast. And the radar detector on a a vehicle used for emergency response seems a little cheesy.

There was an occupant not wearing their seat belt as well... You can hear the seat belt alarm go odd in the video...
justavillain said:
I'm guessing his set up isn't too good as 1 car might have yielded in on coming traffic. But it looked like they had been pulled over.

People are just dicks.
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I have a radar detector on my POV and have several videos where the radar detector goes off while im running code.. usually state troopers sheriffs and police move over for me and let me do my job i drive an old 2005 f-150 STX im lucky if it goes 85mph its so under powerd with the 4.6 V8 the speed limit is 75 here on the expressway where i respond so with my POV maxed out at 85mph i will be well within the allowed 10 miles over thing our fire department allows. The reason i have a radar is because i like to drive i dont really pay attention to speed limit signs its just a habit so i like to have a heads up if the Five O is near by.

That guy was going pretty fast for those icy road by the way. I would not be doing that especially in a POV the Fire Department is not going to buy me a new ride if i crash mine going to a call.
Driving wayyyyyy too fast for those conditions. This is exactly why we cant have nice things.
1. That welfare powercall siren is utterly herendious

2. For the first 1:20 of the video there is not a car in sight

not overly impressed
First time he loses control and slides head on into another car, he is done. Especially if a lawyer were to see this video.
I love how the dickweasel drives the center line, he is just so cool! Not. Dick move, actually all the moves this idiot makes in these videos seem to be dick moves. i would imagine by the setup and the driving, this is a guy that is probably under the legal drinking age. :hopeless:
Even better is at about 0:10, where he cuts into the opposite lane on a blind curve. Would have been fun if there were a deer there.

I think his Powercall came from the guys at Duck Dynasty.

Think he'll post the video after he slides into the ditch? :popcorn:
This tops the cake.

:17 - Sounds like that siren howling dog on YT

:26 - Needs to be careful passing those pedi.

1:10 - What I have been waiting to happen

2:03 - You already shown you can't stop, so lets speed towards a car.

The big question is who still uses myspace? Zacch aka "sparklingblue124" does.

There was 0 radio traffic, and no one else close to the station or there... I wonder if he even had a reason to respond.

Add that he didn't have a siren on till he hit that one road I'm guessing he had his lights on and drove w/o a siren. Which nfpa strictly prohibits
justavillain said:
There was 0 radio traffic, and no one else close to the station or there... I wonder if he even had a reason to respond.

Oh come on...

You can hear other sirens in the background at the end
I'm sorry, but is that a high school graduation tassel hanging from the RVM, reflected on the GPS screen around the 3min mark?

Like i said this tard is young probably barely old enough to buy a pack of smoke certianly to young to drink.
Where he def takes some risky moves, theres some things that even i do....if its a back country road which it seems hes on, late at night i travel down the center as well. gives me plenty of maneuver room in the event of a deer or whatever, dont give me that "its dangerous to do" crap either, if you cant see an on coming car a mile or more out in the dark your not scanning far enough ahead. as for crossin the center lines in a curve, blind curve def not, but that didnt look to blind(or least what i know as blind) to me. I cross the center lines in curves to as it eases the gravitational pull on the vehicle thus less wear and tear on your tires and other steering components. The difference is due regard, any night time response you run the risk of hitting deer regardless of where you drive on the road. as for lights an sirens, suprisingly enough its common practice at night for POVs and Apparatus the same to run just emergency lights until they get to a major route of travel such as a county highway, highway, or interstate or even city limits then activate their sirens. this happens mostly at your volunteer departments not very often at career departments. AS for having to have both going per NFPA, NFPA does not apply to POV responses, POV responses are based on state law and regulation, and by department preference. Some states allow volunteers to run emergency lights only, while others require lights and sirens on POV. Even though some states allow emergency equipment in POVs not all departments want or allow their volunteers to run emergency equipment. Response style is all about due regard and ability of the driver. Yes he had alot of no nos in a response, especially when he slid to a stop at the stop sign. No Im not defending him, however im just saying everyone was taught how to do things different, Im sure none of us that are volunteers have the same response style. Im sure we could all pick apart each others response videos in the very same way as this one. Not trying to raise caine, jus my .02 cents
A fish eye lens will make everything look faster in video.

Knowing what I am seeing, I doubt he was going as fast as many here think.
I got an average of 68mph when he's in the open road (assuming most of the power poles are 200ft apart).
whats up with you guys its not like some of you firefighter cops wanna bes's with your lights and siren collection in garage or on your cars knows how it is to respond to a call in your car' cop car'or fire truck but you dont have a problem making fun of some poor depts lights that dont work or the cheap lights or siren they are useing. or the way they drive i really didnt see anything wrong with his driving just some of you pokeing at his siren i didnt see his light but some of you knew what he was useing or just took a good guess
whats up with you guys its not like some of you firefighter cops wanna bes's with your lights and siren collection in garage or on your cars knows how it is to respond to a call in your car' cop car'or fire truck but you dont have a problem making fun of some poor depts lights that dont work or the cheap lights or siren they are useing. or the way they drive i really didnt see anything wrong with his driving just some of you pokeing at his siren i didnt see his light but some of you knew what he was useing or just took a good guess
Idk about anyone else, but I'm headed towards the microwave after this post. Especially with it being their first post.
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This should be interesting. Cue the butt-hurt flame-war! Someone will be in shortly to show you where you can stick your ill advised statement, have a nice day.[emoji6]
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This guy is less than 10 mins away from me theres not to many cars in burghill Vernon to begin with lol

Im not gonna lie I have probably been on a couple calls with this guy
I do want to point out that on that night video you can see that he is doing 70+ in a 45 (just switch it to HD and take a look) It even looks like he might have been doing 80 at some points in a 55...

I have no words....

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