Off duty vehicle insurance


May 28, 2019
Hello to all, i am curious if anyone has any input on the matter particularly in the state of Texas. I'm sure like alot of other officers I work off duty traffic jobs especially on the highways. Alot of insurance companies are hesistant from covering personel vehicles used in this capacity. I have a ford crown victoria with generic graphics and emergency lights. The graphics are generic and the only reason I put the graphics was due to losing a few of the magnetic graphics placed on the doors while following construction crews. And of the course i have a permanent mount lightbar on the roof since its easily scene and in my opinion safer to have while on the highway. Now Ive heard mixed reviews from officers who have had their vehicles struck in regards to vehicle insurance. Some have had no issues with their insurances and others have. Some have regular insurances and others have commercial policies. Are there any insurance companies anyone recommends? Thank you all for your input....

I can't recommend the company I work for, although they do cover personally owned emergency vehicles, if their use is "incidental", or not used as/ for your primary job. I was in Texas and had the Jazzmobile covered.
I am not in TX but I just called my insurance company and explained what I was using it for and after about 20+ minutes and 3 or 4 transfers it was all good since it is only a few times a month. They even gave more coverage for all the additions to it (equipment) at no cost. This is an extra vehicle just for that work though, not my daily driver. Doesn't hurt to just ask the one you already got.
I'm not 100% sure how useful this will be, but back when I was in SAR, I just had a small sticker on 3 sides my Explorer that read King County Search & Rescue, and my agent told me having any lettering on the vehicle for any corporate entity (didn't matter it was a non profit) would require me to buy a commercial insurance policy. They didn't care about the lights, or the fact that it was volunteer work. So I guess my point is that the lettering/graphics is probably what's causing your trouble in finding a suitable policy. That was with The Hartford, btw.
The signage aspect is quite true.

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