Moisture In Linear Light Heads


Oct 21, 2013
Is moisture in the Whelen LIN series lights a common problem?

I just received one LINZ6 back for this problem, but I still have 2 LINZ6s to pull and send back for moisture inside the lenses. On top of that, I have 4 LIN3s packaged up to go back, all with moisture inside.

I can't keep pulling these things off and being without them for a week or two! I am afraid that my other lights are going to have the same problem, and some are very difficult to pull off.
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Whelen had a known issue about a year ago with leaking lightheads, had to warranty a whole bunch of the Linz6's less than 6 months old. I believe it was a sealant issue between the lens and the body.

Unrelated to the sealant issue,
A rep recently told me they had come to a conclusion that moisture was getting into some lights by way of the sync wire if the cut end was left exposed. They recommend capping it with a weather proof heat shrink cap.
Makes sense, all the LINZs are about a year old, the LIN3s are dates 9/12 though.

I always connect all 4 wires with heat shrink butt connectors, since I use small 4 wire on all the installations, then all 4 wires are at a central location if I want to change patterns (I label the end of each 4 wire as to which light head it goes to).
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They revised the flange gasket at some point, I assume to cure this issue. Used to be totally flat against the lighthead, now they have a top and bottom vent channel in them.
Our entire fleet with outer edge light bars has a huge moisture issue. We have had several burn up as well. Even the replacement linz6 they send end up with moisture in the lens.

Never had issues with my M2s mounted near the same location.

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