Model 28 not working


New Member
Oct 10, 2023
East Tennessee
Hello. I have a model 28 that has been sitting for about 3 years. I brought it home, hooked it up like it was before taking my car to the body shop. It worked great. After a couple days of playing with it, it made a loud click from the solenoid then blew the fuse. I bought a new solenoid, replaced the fuse, and it still clicks at the solenoid. The wheel spins freely with no drag. I tried jumping from the battery and it still doesn’t work. Any suggestions?
Hello. I have a model 28 that has been sitting for about 3 years. I brought it home, hooked it up like it was before taking my car to the body shop. It worked great. After a couple days of playing with it, it made a loud click from the solenoid then blew the fuse. I bought a new solenoid, replaced the fuse, and it still clicks at the solenoid. The wheel spins freely with no drag. I tried jumping from the battery and it still doesn’t work. Any suggestions?
After reading other posts, I found it was a bad ground. I ran a ground wire from the bottom mounting bolt to the negative battery post. Works great!

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