MicroMan Industries Change of Direction


May 20, 2010
KC Metro
After nine years of “official” sales, it is bittersweet to announce that MicroMan Industries LLC will no longer be manufacturing LED lightbars. Our MicroStarBar XP and ArrowStar XP line of LED bars will be discontinued starting this month, but we will still warranty previous purchases.

We have shifted our operations to focus primarily on emergency vehicle equipment installations. Due to the quick expansion of this side of the business in the last year, we have found that we do not have the time to dedicate to the manufacturing side and feel it would be a disservice to our customers to start having extended production times.

We are currently exploring the options of selling the remaining LED stock, flashers and all of the included production components. They have been a great seller in the market with well over 1000 feet of the XP line sold since 2012 with over a 1000 feet sold of the previous versions. (Please feel free to contact us if interested.)

We have always taken pride in the quality of our products and the customer service we have provided. We will continue with that line of thought in our installation business as well as any warranty issues that may arise. We are very appreciative of the “word of mouth” advertising that we have received throughout the years as well as eLightbars.org. Without them we would not have had a platform to launch our products and company. THANK YOU!

As we close one chapter in this business book, we look forward to the new chapter. We thank all of our customers and dealers for their purchases and hope to continue providing quality service to those new ones!

If you are located in the Kansas City area, please feel free to contact us for installation and equipment needs, as we are now a dealer for several equipment manufacturers. We are also one of the only companies that provides mobile fleet service and installation on site.

As always, from one emergency services person to another, we thank you for your business!

Craig Sorgen, Owner
MicroMan Industries LLC
sucks to here Craig, but you gotta do what you gotta do. i get compliments on my lights i've brought from you over the years all the time.
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Sorry to hear this Craig, however; you are a class act and I know that whatever you do will be done first rate. Please let me know if there is ever anything you need brother.  
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Yes, it does. It took quite a bit of thought to come to this decision, but ultimately it came down to which side of the business will demand more time and a better payoff in the long run. Thanks for your past purchases!
Sorry to hear this Craig, however; you are a class act and I know that whatever you do will be done first rate. Please let me know if there is ever anything you need brother.  

Thanks! I appreciate it. I will let you know.
Has anyone shown interest on picking up that portion of your business?
Would be nice to see the brand stick around in some form :)  
If I had the time and place to make them, I would look into it, but I have nothing right now as far as even a place to make them.
Sorry to hear that, I have a microman direction bar in the rear of my department car and love it.  Best of luck on your installation side!
Is there any chance Wilson LEDs would want to take over your line?
Sorry to hear that microman bars will be discontinued. However, I EXPECT that you will post vids and pics of all your installs Craig!

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