LEO Question

Turd Ferguson

Senior Member
Jul 3, 2011
Sumner, Wa
So I've been watching some of these sovereign citizen videos, and came across one in particular where the guy that got arrested just would not shut up.

So that got me wondering, and I'm not asking for names because I know better, but who was the one person you couldn't get out of your car fast enough? Just by what their conduct, or perhaps even other factors were?
Too many they're a blur.
I can tell you, as I'm sure many here can attest to, prisoners (criminals) often have poor hygiene practices and you dread handcuffing, searching, transporting in police cars and paddy wagons, fingerprinting and safeguarding in close proximity in ambulances, emergency rooms and court waiting areas.....
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Hardly anyone rides to jail peacefully. They're either drunk and chatty, drunk and stupid, pissed off because they think they're in the right and I'm wrong, or just pissed at their situation.

I just crank the radio usually. I ask them to just shut up and enjoy the ride, but hardly ever do they do. Every now and then will turn out nice and quiet.

Our jail is about 20 minutes, at 60mph.....

One that sticks out was a drunk that all he kept saying was "f" you. And I just kept saying no, "f" you. Back and forth, the entire way. I dunno why that cracks me up.
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Yeah, I get that a lot of people probably get obnoxious when arrested, especially when enhanced by alcohol or other chemical means, but you hit the nail on the head there. I'm looking to see of any stand out head and shoulders above the rest.

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