HTF Do you mount a Whelen Siren?

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Veteran Member
May 21, 2010
So I am installing a used Whelen dash mount siren & realize WTF kind of screw or bolt am I suppose to use that will fit/slide into those damn tracks on the side & not spin when you put a nut on the outside :?:

Looked at a local hardware store & couldn't figure it out so someone tell me what am I suppose to use :?:
the bolts that are sahepd like a hexagon on the head.
take siren to hardware store, ask for help, watch as minimum wage person questions? wtf is this?

then tell them to leave you alone as yu play with the nuts and bolts section for hours on end.
I was afraid of that. Had already cleared part of my day Thursday to go do that. My local hardware store has one metric ass ton of hardware. I will probably be there awhile getting strange looks until I snap at a civilian telling them if they would just vote to raise salestax a damn penny I could get a new siren for the truck & not be having to fool with this BS :evil:
Carriage bolts was what I got, the square under the head fits but the head is too big. Will double check other size carriage bolts when I take the siren to the store.
Well the firefighter in me says to just screw the bracket to the siren with self tapping screws.
:p In any case if you haven't found the solution, you could try looking for those mini carriage bolts. It may be too thick on the head so just grind the top down to allow it to fit.
You need carriage bolts; if you find the manual for the siren on Whelen's website, it will tell you what size to get.
That would be a negative on the manual having the info but it did give me an idea. I looked at the manual for the PCCS9R/PCCS9N & I am assuming the bolt is the same. It says I need a 10-24 by what ever length I need carriage bolt. It says to use a half inch long one but I am going to need a 1 inch one because I am using a bracket from a C3 Vcon.
I'm pretty sure that Whelen's housings are all standardized, so they probably all take the same size bolts. It would make sense, at least.
So I found 10-24 carriage bolts but I tell ya if I hadn't seen it in a manual & just came across them in the store I would have thought they were too small & put em back.
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