Help Wiring a PA mic into a Unitrol 80K for unmarked installation


May 24, 2010
Western KS (Formerly Northern CA)
Hello everyone...been away for a while, time for a new project.

I am retiring from my fulltime gig soon, and taking a part-time LE job in another state. I will need my personal SUV to be response capable for work, and am finishing up making it ready.

I have a 2007 Chevy Tahoe unmarked, with a Unitrol 80K amp running to a 3-way rocker switch to provide Wail and Yelp. Works like a champ. I want to add a PA mic to the unit, and for various reasons, among them being I don't want a siren faceplate on my POV console, I don't want to use a full 480K full featured control head. All the emergency equipment is currently on rocker switches, and I'd like to keep it that way.

I want to add an audio amp plug jack and a volume-control rheostat to the side of the console in an unobtrusive location next to the driver's seat. I've worked out all the engineering and have all the relevant parts, except one detail.

Question: How do I wire the Mic/Volume circuit in to the 12-wire harness coming off the 80K amp? Obviously (to me, may be wrong) one is the #6 wire (PTT), but I'm not sure where to tie in the second wire.

Anyone have any ideas? Or, if you have a better plan, I'm all ears, but bear in mind I want to keep the 80K (I'm very partial to the Unitrol tones), and a full-control head is not an option.

Thanks in advance!



  • Unitrol 80K Wiring.jpg
    Unitrol 80K Wiring.jpg
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  • Unmarked PA Circuit.jpg
    Unmarked PA Circuit.jpg
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I know I'm way late to the party here but I was having the same issue. I contacted Federal Signal and they told me to do it like this.

Using the 12 connector plug. Refer to the legend on the front panel. Connect pin 9 to pin 5. Then connect pin 1 to the tip of the mic jack. Pin 6 connects to the ring of the mic jack. The sleave of the mic jack is grounded. I used a three wire 1/4" female mic jack and it worked like a charm. Simple easy. I used a used Fed Sig MNCT-SB mic.

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