Haven't been in for a while

Turd Ferguson

Senior Member
Jul 3, 2011
Sumner, Wa
Just wanted to pop in for my every other year appearance. I've been very busy working nights in grocery retail delivery, 65 or more hours a week, bought a house (my first one), and family life pretty much dominates my time. Got a couple days off of work as my grandma passed away yesterday, so I was feeling a bit nostalgic and motivated to drop a line to you all. Hope you're all doing well and I'll try to be in a little more frequently. That's it for me for now.
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Sorry for your loss....

Now.make is so number 1
Thanks, guys. Good to hear from you again. Grandma went peacefully in her sleep, a week after her 96th birthday, so at least we had a long time with her, and I managed to get to see her before she went into the coma state, so we got one last chance to talk. Anyway, I'll be around here and there to start as we're making final arrangements, then I'll be around a bit more. Maybe even pick up the silver level again so I can get back to the ring. If that's still around, that is.
I'm glad when you think of Grandma, you think of us. :rolleyes:

When I die, I hope to go peacefully, in my sleep. Not like the passengers in my car.
the ring isnt as bacony, not much in the ginger wars, and the only real thread is saturday yall
the ring isnt as bacony, not much in the ginger wars, and the only real thread is saturday yall
I see I have my work cut out for me, then.

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