FedSig Pathfinder OBDII cable compatibility


New Member
Apr 12, 2022
Brooklyn, NY

So I'm installing the Pathfinder 200 Handheld in a 2013 Yukon.

Do any of you on here have experience with the OBDII cable compatibility?

On their site it says the vehicle is not supported, but the 2015's and up are basically the same vehicles with a different body shape...

Will it work?
If its listed as not compatible, I wouldn't use that feature. When vehicle change model years, its not just the looks that change. BCMs, TCMs, and supporting vehicle software also change (especially in this newer age of vehicles)

Personally, I wouldn't chance it...
If its listed as not compatible, I wouldn't use that feature. When vehicle change model years, its not just the looks that change. BCMs, TCMs, and supporting vehicle software also change (especially in this newer age of vehicles)

Personally, I wouldn't chance it...
Usually listed compatibility is pretty accurate. There are cases where things are listed as not compatible because they are not formally tested. However that is usually just the case with vehicles for the first few months. 5 years old probably means that the compatibility listing is likely correct. My Chief ordered a "plug and play" remote feature for the 2022 interceptor that said it was compatible and "plug and play". Long story short a very small change in plug type between years made it a cut and splice job so I recommended we not use it without consulting our OEM upfitter who warned us that they had problems splicing, even though the connections are the same has caused issues. I have a "no touch" policy on all things vehicle computer related that are not plug and play and listed as compatible by the manufacturer. It may seem like it is working then suddenly you have no brake lights and check engine lights that make no sense. Just my personal experience, you can "do it live" and try it, it's your vehicle; I would just try it off of public roads before declaring it all good.
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I hear that.

The only thing is, that besides the Speedturtle 2.0/3.0, OBDII modules were not designed to command the ECU, they just read it in order to give commands to the siren/light outputs.

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