Connecting phone audio to siren experiment


Jun 13, 2010
So I got bored last night and tried something I have been wanting to do for a while.
I took an audio patch cable like used to connect your phone or MP3 player to an aux input on a stereo. Cut one end off, and ohmed out the connections.

then soldered up a pigtail wire big enough to work with.

I have an app on my phone that has a really good imitation of a Q siren. I connected it up to the Radio inputs on my Carson siren. My hope was that I could switch the siren to RADIO rebroadcast and have something cool.

Well, it sort of works. Problem is the volume is pretty low, even with both the phone volume and the siren Radio volume cranked all the way up.

Any suggestions? I can hold the PA mic close to the phone's speaker and it actually sounds OK. I wonder if I could hook up my cable to the Microphone's wiring, would that work?

I'm not sure if it survived the last 2 board upgrades but there was a thread on this... I can't check easily on mobile so I remind myself to do so at work tommorow
If you are planning on doing this just for fun, fine. If you are planning on using this for responses, this thread will be deleted.
If you are planning on doing this just for fun, fine. If you are planning on using this for responses, this thread will be deleted.

As I said, i was screwing around.

Rest assured, as a 3rd generation firefighter, who witnessed a brother firefighter die in front of my eyes due to an accident during a response, I fully appreciate the gravity of proper LEGAL warning systems.

If you feel this should be deleted, by all means do so and i will not say a word.

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Bob Pollard
But for the good old days, when everyone with a CB radio also had a PA speaker under the hood, and if you bought a "siren module" to run off a "transistor radio speaker" with a 9V battery, you were cool.
I dunno... if it were me and I wanted an authentic mechanical siren sound without the current draw of a Q, I'd look for a Federal model 28.

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